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  1. Hey I just bought this and didn't add or appears as If I had bought!
  2. As title describes it, ice blitz and decent str+quests
  3. Hey im looking to buy a decent dh pure, most important thing to be quested, only trusted plz im paying with 07gp.Thanks!
  4. https://gyazo.com/b69c145c74edae223d096a5ef07f10d5 MM madness done Dragon defender I got email reciept from arcus with the account info as proof so it makes the account 100% non able to recover once email is changed
  5. https://gyazo.com/5aef9454edad4cc1ec0c395480051d4f
  6. https://gyazo.com/5d1296f06e4517fe9bf8bbd0a400c908 https://gyazo.com/dc215b4b405a6c9bebc6e459978e39c2 https://gyazo.com/f91132add5df63ed855ef831b8d355b1 Thanks!
  7. i had loaded like 5 screenshots on the post sent,dont know what happened.
  8. Hey well this happened some months ago,so i bought Aeonx(http://osbot.org/forum/user/90830-aeonx/)a dh pure account which got recovered several times,he just invented another guy had hacked him etc,he recovered it for me to use it again so i could improve the account while playing and then i lost it again.This happened about 3 times until he didnt gave it back anymore,i got lots of proof,all the skype content and osbot pms.He is now selling it again,when i payed 140m for it and it was supposed hacked by another person,its my first dispute so if anything if missing just tell me,thanks! Screenshot/Images [hidden]
  9. Got banned alching with mirror client,premium script,on bank below ge crowded world Also got perma in ge spot crowded world on another account
  10. Account that has been in plat 1,now its currently on gold as i dont play that much,i have got ez and udyr definitve skins and i have got like 1 skin for every champ or in some cases 2 like zed ezreal and other much,in total i think i may have around 50skins,i can give detailed info about that,like over 2.5k on skins 07GP PC,just aprox
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