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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Sofakin

  1. Ah shit. My methods are bound to be displayed. GG
  2. Suicide bots usually last throughout the weekend and gets banned on Monday.
  3. Yes I am. Add me on Skype: SofaKinKappa
  4. Nope. I use 5 proxies across 20 bots.
  5. Use residential ips to create the account and also bot tutorial island. After tutorial island you can use normal socks5 proxies.
  6. Update: Sorry for the lack of update. I was getting bans out of nowhere and college apps were hitting me hard. Other then that I'll try to get this updated every Monday if possible. This weekend I made 180m before expenses. Here's what I made over the weekend: https://gyazo.com/1abd4afa83081c457c1ac7f82daba106
  7. I have a suicide p2p farm just for the weekend and I've profit enough to cover my expenses. So yes anything's possible.
  8. Sofakin


    online and buying!
  9. Woodcutting is da way to go.
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