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  1. It's been around a 275 days since i stopped playing osrs and I was wondering if the ban rate has cooled down a bit. I plan on botting w/ khal's wintertododt and czar's range guild. Will these scripts get me banned? Also is the ideal botting time still 2-3 hours a day or can I risk using them more now?
  2. Just wonder how would I go about doing this, what auto clicker would you recommend, and the ban rate doing this?
  3. Looking for someone trusted to take this job. I can pay with paypal (preferably), and osgp. Post on thread if interested and pm rates and etc if interested.
  4. Order: to raise a level 3 to 70 def and 70 range Price: no idea Have you contacted Asuna?: yes Agree to ToS?: yes
  5. What Order do you need : leveling Will you fb me/vouch on thread? : yes did you add me on skype?: yes
  6. Looking for a range tank with the main focus on stats being 70-75 def and 70 range or so. Quests not necessary. Melee stats can be on the account, but account must be range based (below 148 atk & str) Trusted only. Hit me with a pm or post in thread.
  7. Agility is a hot skill right now. I'd avoid it as much as possible.
  8. vhdt

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Hi, I just bought this and after getting 5 thieving off men I went to the varrock tea stall. The script for some reasons doesn't do anything and the developer console just says waiting over and over again.
  9. How is the banrate on this skill compared to other skills? Is it low risk like cooking & fletch?
  10. It's probably because you didnt use mirror mode heh. After going for 1-82 cooking I got a 2 day ban as well. Then the next 5 days I continued botting to 99 cooking.
  11. Mod Weath probably hates you.
  12. It's easy. If you use common sense and read around the forums you'll see where people have failed, what skills are high banrate, whose scripts are good, etc. Once you understand those things botting for 15h+ hours a day is the norm.
  13. I got a 2 day ban recently as well when I went from 1-82 cooking. Now I'm at 97 cooking atm.
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