Got banned this morning. gf. I think its cause of that reddit post that called out Jagex for not doing enough against bots on the weekend. I was botting at minotaurs for maybe 4-5 hours but i was at the computer the whole time, typing in clan chat, talking to people around me while the bot ran (this is how i normally bot anyway, cba with clicking) So I'm very human like but still got banned.
After running this script for over 50 hours, I have noticed some glitches and some things that could be improved. Idk how to code so i can't tell you how to do it but i think your script could use some cleaning up.
when it runs to stronghold from Varrock West bank, it goes south of the fence by gertrudes house almost every time which increases travel time from banking.
Another thing, at giant spiders if they are still aggressive it will still attack other spiders which decreases xp rates because you get that message you're already in combat and it spam clicks sometimes before realizing which spider is attacking it.
I still plan on using this script, ill just have to be more careful somehow.
At Minotaurs, sometimes it attacks one, kills it, then clicks the middle of the room on the minimap and runs there before attacking another one.