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  1. i made a topic on this aswell, all we can do is sit tight
  2. guess we have to wait cuz i see people that have no issues.. sit tight
  3. yes completely weird i have no idea at all even downloaded the original osrs client and i still get the black screen
  4. this is the bug i get from the log, it worked fine all day until after the system update https://gyazo.com/cd333116724b84af2931891b26fe1872
  5. this is what happens https://gyazo.com/6ff7fd66722c5e54fae8f1a3534ebd89
  6. still nothing for me i reinstalled both my osbot and osbuddy
  7. It needs a fix after the update, just posting this so ppl can see it. it's not a complain.. i'm just stating that it needs a fix
  8. no worrys it's still going 380k+ xp gained in 1 hour 12 minutes
  9. im using the mirror ability and im doing mahog tables with a butler, tryed to set it up as stated in the thread. (it bugged like 2 or 3 times but now i have this proggy so far)
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