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Riskeh's Achievements

Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. euw better than na stop flame
  2. duo or spamming games is the only way to get out of plat 1
  3. but that would be reasonable lets give the attention seeker attention :^)
  4. pretty sure sexual preference refers to l/g/b/t
  5. veteran is a dumb rank you shouldnt get any more recognition/privelages just because you joined early the post count requirement is also dumb as it encourages spam that doesnt get deleted/infracted
  6. i only know this exists from animal crossing
  7. 8 out of 10 provisionals won and i carried everytime (except one all the lanes kinda won) besides losing is fun you kind of embrace the cancer and have fun
  8. Riskeh


    i have a vod of it o.o.. i guess i can make a tut l8r
  9. how to never get banned: dont play
  10. exactly why post count requirements for veteran is dumb
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