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Ben Osborne

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  1. i got some proxys from virmach .just cant work out how to add them to my browser so they are made on same ip i am go to play on them for. as my real ip is flagged. can someone please explain how to make my accs with my newly paid for virmach vpn an how to set it straight to OSBOT
  2. Bot doesnt work anymore after the client 2.4.61 update for me
  3. added your skype. benosborne123 - is mine
  4. if someone buys in next 2 hours 88$ is the a/w thats cheap people.
  5. I can give creation date within like 14 days of creation, the members was always paid with bonds, i can give the location and ip it was made by too
  6. /There is no email or anything set, what sort of information woulf you want? i can give you anything that can help i guess but i dont know what that'd be, maybe u can give me a list of what you would need.
  7. Selling for 88$ auto win if someone buys tonight. price will go back up to 100$ by morning. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) about 300k 4. Pictures of the quests completed 7. The methods of payment you are accepting paypal, osrs 8. Your trading conditions you will go first unless i deem you trusted enough for me to give the account first. 9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I Am original owner, there is no email set. Auto win - 100$ or 85m osrs.
  8. Hi, Selling around 25 tutorial island accounts and will be making more, All of these accounts are 100% hand done and are the perfect way to start botting safely, As most of us know tutorial island accounts that are botted are very risky and usually get banned within a day of being made. These accounts are perfect to start botting farms, Or just perfect to start botting a new main/pure or whatever. Prices. 250k Each 5+ 225K each 10+ 210K Each 15+ 200K Each Please feel free to add my skype - benosborne123 Post here, Or just pm me. Thanks. Ozzy
  9. oh and btw bro u probably got aids now, R.I.P
  10. fuck me... was he hungry? Looks like u both was outa breath within a few seconds :P
  11. the done quests are on first post now, im selling this if anyones interested, let me know if u are and ill post some screenshots
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