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  1. Working amazing now, only thing I'm noticing is that when it goes upstairs to bank, it one clicks in the bank to walk there, and when its nearby it clicks again, normally putting it outside the bank "walls" upstairs. just another little obvious thing I think would drop the ability to tell its a bot.
  2. Regular Client Lumbridge Flax Spinner No print screen, can get one if needed. Takes a second to get situated, and after it does it opens the bank booth and moves the cursor down to the "Withdraw as" and hovers over item and just stays there fidgeting a little bit over and over.
  3. looks like a great script. ive used it a few times before, but I'm a little nervous with the lumbridge flax spinning. the fact that it clicks inside the room after coming down the staircase, and always ends up next to the spinner, instead of under anyone who may be spinning. just seems obvious to me, being that you can easily click the spinner directly when you come down the stairs.
  4. the location feature is nice, just those pesky spots you cant walk that send you a million miles away are what kill it lol. But that looks like it would work perfectly! Thank you
  5. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but the script works wonderfully, am using it on dmm to up my woodcutting and fletching, banking willows. anyway, in lumbridge there is 2 willows by the river in a safezone, which is nice. but it seems everytime I try to set up there, with the custom mapping, it wants to run across the river, then correct itself and come back. I've tried a few times, sitting here watching it. The one I have set now manages to catch itself before it leaves safe, but it always starts to walk over the bridge, then correct and come back. Maybe add an auto location for that spot, in the willows selection for the dmm support. Think it has to do with the places right on the coast that you cant technically walk on, and with the house there it is hard to set a location. Unless I'm doing it wrong lol
  6. not able to pathfind from the bank at this point, thieves and everything right but needs helps getting back to what I am pickpocketing.
  7. i think a world hop would help the suicides on dmm. I was killed at 63 hp, both thieving paladins and the nature rune chest. maybe a dmm food eating option, that when your hp is say 12 below, it will eat a lobster. or 20 for a shark and so forth. just ideas to improve the dmm, cause I love the gamemode, but still cant handle moneymaking lol
  8. works wonderfully, but still having issues with suiciders in the safe zones it seems. Havent been around at the right time to fully know what happens, but I don't believe its eating, or moving to a bank. maybe even a dmm world hop if a suicider is encountered to lessen the fact that they will return again
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