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  1. Currently stuck with version 0.42 and it still has the bank deposit bug. Just letting you know
  2. Received a ban after using this script at the Gnome Agility Course after just running it for about 3 hours. Was playing and botting fine for the past couple weeks up until this script. Could've been a delayed ban but just pointing it out. I think it has something to do with the antiban measures in this script as I watched it click everything the same way every time it went through the course(with antiban option enabled).
  3. Thanks for the quick reply! Yeah as I'd suspected but because it said it was online on the forum I assumed my end was messed up. Once again thanks for the quick info & keep up the great work with your scripts btw
  4. Hey there, it seems I have the worst luck when it comes to getting errors haha. Bot was working fine, it glitched up at one point and after reloading the client, it gave me this error : http://prntscr.com/94ihk1 , also I have already deleted the data folder in the osBot folder to try and reset it but this did nothing. I also tried re downloading the client which also didn't work. Here's the console log : [DEBUG][11/19 08:48:47 AM]: OSBot is now ready! [INFO][11/19 08:48:48 AM]: Loaded 2 RS accounts! [INFO][11/19 08:48:48 AM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.4.5! [INFO][11/19 08:48:54 AM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 100! [DEBUG][Bot #1][11/19 08:48:54 AM]: Initializing mirror client bot... [INFO][11/19 08:48:54 AM]: Started bot #1
  5. Not sure if it's just my system but whenever I load the mirror client 2.4.2, after pressing "Add Bot" it gets stuck on the screen "Initializing Mirror Client" - http://prntscr.com/91x22i and the console log is this - [DEBUG][11/12 08:21:00 AM]: OSBot is now ready! [INFO][11/12 08:21:01 AM]: Loaded 2 RS accounts! [INFO][11/12 08:21:02 AM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.4.2! [INFO][11/12 08:21:07 AM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 99! [ERROR][Bot #1][11/12 08:21:07 AM]: Error loading mirror client! java.io.FileNotFoundException at org.osbot.core.inject.RS07ClientInjector.justLoad(yf:208) at org.osbot.rs07.Bot.initialize(ui:344) at org.osbot.Dc.run(ql:78) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [INFO][11/12 08:21:07 AM]: Started bot #1 Any help would be appreciated!
  6. Recently purchased VIP for the mirror mode. I run it with OSBuddy at first, see that it says that I need to change my game to fixed mode. After doing that, it still doesn't work so I moved onto the official RS Client. When loading the Official RS Client, OsBot can't load the hooks into it. Picture of OsBot - http://prntscr.com/90vjy4 Anti virus is also disabled. Here's the OsBot console. [INFO][11/09 01:06:46 PM]: Loaded 2 RS accounts! [INFO][11/09 01:06:46 PM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.3.136! [DEBUG][11/09 01:07:03 PM]: OSBot is now ready! [INFO][11/09 01:07:11 PM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 98! [ERROR][Bot #1][11/09 01:07:21 PM]: hmrapi java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find field in the class at client.nat.stream.Stream.m10(Native Method) at client.emu.EmuClient.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  7. Already tried reinstalling and checking java version. Could it be because of the stealth injection?
  8. I've used a couple scripts, one that I paid for and it still does the same thing. If it's any help, I'm using stealth injection.
  9. I also have this problem. Not sure why but the script I was using was Jack's AIO Fighter if that's any help.
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