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Trade With Caution
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Divica last won the day on December 3 2014

Divica had the most liked content!

About Divica

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     👨‍💼 Divicasales.com

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Divica's Achievements

Dragon Poster

Dragon Poster (9/10)



Divica's Feedback

3 Mo 6 Mo 1 Yr
Positive 0 0 0
Neutral 0 0 0
Negative 0 0 0
  1. adc left Positive feedback   

    great customer service and quick transactions when I sold gp.

    Divica was The Buyer

  2. Trustmybet left Positive feedback   

    SOLD 1.1b RS3! Best buyer ever!

    Divica was The Buyer

  3. Empathyfaith left Positive feedback   

    I recommend this service 100%

    Divica was The Buyer

  4. prelivesinme left Positive feedback   

    Sold me $4 voucher tyvm

    Divica was The Seller

  5. Caam left Positive feedback   

    Sold me a bond 10/10 very good :)

    Divica was The Seller

  6. logtome left Positive feedback   

    Very fast and simple :)

    Divica was The Buyer

  7. Demontribe13 left Positive feedback   

    Bought 30M 07GP, quick and easy!

    Divica was The Seller

  8. itseric left Positive feedback   


    Divica was The Seller

  9. Combo3d left Positive feedback   

    v fast thank you again.

    Divica was The Seller

  10. omega sabre left Positive feedback   

    bought from them twice for a total of 25m both times legit

    Divica was The Seller

  11. vapaxyownz left Positive feedback   

    again bought vuocher from him :)

    Divica was The Seller

  12. RSGM Sales left Positive feedback   

    Sold her 500M RS 3 :) Thanks :D

    Divica was The Seller

  13. Mikasa left Positive feedback   

    Bought 1x bond, ty :)

    Divica was The Seller

  14. Oliver left Positive feedback   

    bought 2m, thanks

    Divica was The Seller

  15. Stevejobs left Positive feedback   

    Bought a pin, went first was fast and smooth will use again.

    Divica was The Seller

  16. junny54 left Positive feedback   

    bough 20m, took a bit long as we both had some difficulties but it was smooth.

    Divica was The Seller

  17. DivineDude left Positive feedback   

    Bought 19.95 USD, thanks. :)

    Divica was The Seller

  18. jr8nasecar left Positive feedback   

    Sold 56 mil got $$ instantly in paypal

    Divica was The Seller

  19. DPSkillaS left Positive feedback   

    Sold 10m fast payment thanks

    Divica was The Buyer

  20. Sbazza left Positive feedback   

    Div bought, i went first, took less than 120 seconds for div to pay (i counted)

    Divica was The Buyer

  21. Caam left Positive feedback   

    Amazingly fast and friendly!

    Divica was The Seller

  22. ridnem left Positive feedback   

    sold 10m, easy and fast!

    Divica was The Buyer

  23. yovoyporti left Positive feedback   

    Bought 10$ credit in osbot store went very smoothly

    Divica was The Seller

  24. Deffiliate left Positive feedback   

    Bought 2 bonds, quick + amazing trade as always with Divica :D

    Divica was The Seller

  25. RSGM Sales left Positive feedback   

    Bought 100m RS 3 from me! Awsome yet again!

    Divica was The Seller

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