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Everything posted by AzureElegies

  1. Hey Khal, Mind if I grab a trial for this?
  2. Hey Fruity, Just checking back in, from what I see when I do mtd or demons it gets stuck trying to click bouncer or the black demon respectively if your boss list is really long like mine is. Also this may be an osbot client issue but when it logs out it doesn't do the auto login that it normally does for other scripts, is that normal?
  3. Great script! I'm using standard DH setup with rockcake absorb/overload and prayer flicking. I have noticed if you have a rather long quest list you have to help the script move down your list of possible bosses for it to finish setting up the dream, and also it doesn't combat the 6 hour log out jagex implemented if my test is correct. (Or maybe I'm just not setting it up correctly, currently on my second run with the script and almost at 6 hours so I will see if it stops again.) Cheers mate! Edit: Set my program to break at 6 hour intervals and now it seems to be running well past, haven't had a single issue, love it!
  4. Hey there, Just bought your PC script after running your wintertodt for a couple hours and loving the smoothness of it. I never run bots when I'm not at my computer, that way I can keep an eye on chat, and if I feel like its getting too autonomous I can do a few random manual clicks or actions, I definitely noticed this can have a few strange interactions with the map such as: - When moving to a new portal it will click areas behind portals to where you are standing randomly on the outskirts before attacking the portal itself. (Seems to happen randomly, but can be seen as suspicious) - Seems to get a little confused when doors open and close at the start sometimes, causing you to stutter step and changes portal target. - Prioritizing spinners would be a nifty implementation! Other then that it runs very well, kudos on the script and keep up the good work!
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