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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. only the best anime in the universe. not to mention the best torture technique. (yay my shows on. theme song.... some action..... its over.) WTF NO WAY THATS BEEN 20 minutes..... TILL NEXT WEEK
  2. never heard of it may check it out.
  3. http://prntscr.com/28fguo any other fans here :P???
  4. Dylan

    need a loan

    i don't need gold i need the money for a dedicated server/memberships. and we have talked on skype who's this :P?
  5. Dylan

    need a loan

    its pretty much risk free with that note, i mean i doubt as well. i picked a horrible time to decide to go back as its friday 5pm banks are closed now and won't be open till monday lol. << at least im 90% sure anyway
  6. i need around a $250 loan you can send it via paypal with the note saying this is a loan till monday if it hasn't been returned to me with an extra $30 by monday i shall reclaim this amount. reason i need this is because i decided to get back in to gold farming and i need $150-200 for the dedi and like $79 for the accounts. eitherway you will be paid back ur money on monday. i know this is the spam section please don't spam below lol. and i know $30 isn't that much money to gain but.....that's $10 a day for free :P? err i hope theres someone that can help me out.
  7. i think anne's cute when shes angry lmao HBU? lol..
  8. ^ Learn to control yourself. i almost never gamble but when i do i never withdraw its a bad habbit of mine. maybe because it can take up to 5 work days. anyway not the point. I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK about the money lol. sure it would of been nice to go on holiday buts its kool. i get enough from the Australian gov for free .
  9. how can i not tell them lmao. i told them to take a day off work because id take them out to have a nice day lmao. they seemed pretty pumped -.-
  10. don't need gambling advice i need advice to deal with the family lmao.
  11. so botting has been going terrible for me lately. i was down to my last $200 spent 100 on random junk and i chucked $100 on a poker website. before i knew it i was up to 2.3 grand..... woke my family from there sleep just to tell them,told them to call in sick from work tomorrow and all -.-. then i kept playing untill i lost it all... how am i gonna explain this in the morning. i don't care too much about the money but explaing to them i had 2.3 grand and decided to gamble it away is gonna be rough. lmao what are your suggests. currently im thinking ill say oh nvm it was just a popup i thought i had won that money but it was only a joke -.- i dunno but its fucking embarrassing. please hold back on the insults lmao. gahhhhhhhhhhh so angry lmao
  12. best song ever lmao... :P how did i not think of this lol
  13. must be because me and the guy getting scammed in the video are both aussies lmao.
  14. i figured hey a guy with 1b worth of items wouldn't scam 3m. ( i was wrong lmao)
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fKgilJT-hc << i got scammed by that guy like 2-3 months ago. i swear he has a way with words. i felt hypnotized lmao. just felt like sharing that. it was really embarrassing i never get scammed on runescape :P, lol.
  16. wierd mines not even clicking the lamps. i need to click on the lamps myself and then the bot finishes the rest .49
  17. name guide man. very well written and imformative. @ occazn theres plenty of good vps's you just gotta shop around and be willing to pay good money. shouldn't expect anything half decent for under $100 a month. well im talking 20+ bots on a unflagged ip.
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