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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. well i mean it's not hard to raid in both, and if you dont have time to lvl 2 60's there's always lvling services on epicnpc
  2. of course they're almost impossible to die, so you can use stuff like eternal glorys for unlimited teleports, saving time when banking.
  3. trust me the server with completely fresh AH etc is worth it, i played since the start and have multiple 60's on pvp realm its just not the same as a fresh server lol, think of osrs on launch shit was incredible.
  4. sepentine and dfs pking, personally i think pking is boring regardless and i use to like looking like a badass lvl 35 with third-age dfs and rc cape, (skiller)
  5. i sell my 75 def accs for like 100m so thats 83 gp per exp 60 is like 260k exp?, so like 21m.
  6. not much of an abyss rcer with 15 agility man, base stats for abyss is at least 60 mining and 60 agility.
  7. a friend did 10 cannonball accounts, i could of been doing anything its not up to them to judge, and its quite clear its not that they had the foresight to see i would sell them, its clear that i tripped their overly sensitive botting detection especially because all accounts was free to play and on 1 ip
  8. 4 days till fresh server.
  9. nope they just kept saying they'd look into it. and never got back to me, im going to make another post in a months time to see if i can get more attention to the case.
  10. i pm'd you i got 3 remaining although they are only 71 defence, i do have 1 that's 75, but thats my personal defence pure
  11. 1600 exp an hour in f2p 1200000 / 1600 = 750 hours, its the reason i was doing 13 accounts at once, that way its worth it, aka 30-40 days for an account worth 100m a piece.
  12. its 1.6k exp an hour in f2p, and 2k an hour in p2p, unless u dont want to afk.
  13. 100% osbuddy only. and no only i had access to them, i was playing them up to 16 hours a day. edit: and yes i'm the guy from reddit.
  14. i was doing this legit with 13 accounts at once with the intentions of selling them, and jagex banned me once i was 71 defence on all of them for (botting) when i never even botted on them at all, i guess thats what happens when u run 13 accounts in f2p under 1 ip address for 15-16 hours a day they did leave 3 accounts though out of the 13.
  15. 1466 hours for 44k 2133 hours for the total 60k, i made the two accounts over 2 years but roughly i did both in 2-4 months. both ended up with real world trading bans lol. average of 30 points an hour.
  16. im making a similar account except it will be a dclaw rusher. so 60 att 99 str 30 hp i wouldn't suggest selling it, cheapo's wouldn't pay the value of the effort required to make it.
  17. if you could bot 44k pc points without a macro ban id pay at least $1k for that bot. the accounts builds you could make would be worth upwards of $500+
  18. https://youtu.be/CurgNhhXm2I?t=40 i did 73-99 hp 85-99 defence @ pc which is 44k pc points also done it with just defence points which is over 20k points subtotal of 64k points ive done 100% legit. your 850 points is nothing.
  19. 20-30M on osbot, up to $50-60 on player auctions.
  20. Support!, you can make that magic number of 100 this time!.
  21. id certainly be interested, i'm no lifing my ironman atm, and i could use the cash, not willing to do it for 35m, though 50m would be my price.
  22. Dylan

    90 con

    yeah i wouldn't get it, then sell it but if it was already done, i would raise the price because of it.
  23. Dylan

    90 con

    imo yes, stuff like the regen pool and edge respawn all should be accounted for.
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