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Kaatie P

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Kaatie P

  1. that's all it takes? & they'll do it?
  2. So what can i do to fix this?
  3. When i try to buy gold, this is what just started happening an hour ago. Why?? https://gyazo.com/ac587d449d4bea9a7b94a1b54b97dd32
  4. I know, he started screaming on skype also.. he was screen sharing
  5. Sadly was my friend. https://gyazo.com/b11f3d81d344b3a2f385df890a0c5492
  6. Because of the 70 prayer? I thought you're able to have a maxed total between attk/str of 150 am i wrong?
  7. Thank so much for sharing this, i have a possibility of being unbanned hopefully omg
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