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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. So when your writing a script and you need to test it do you guys make another account for it? I mean if it has bugs etc wouldnt your main get banned if you use it to test the product?
  2. Tried using this script in king lathas training camp ogres but it keeps randomly attacking different ogres b4 it even kills the first one Ampuu vuorotellen eri ogrei ja ei juo range pottuu D: muute ihan hyvältä vaikutti pitäis tuo paikka saada kuntoo ni sais rangen 99
  3. No interest in this account anymore, working on a pure atm. No interest in this account anymore. I AM THE ORIGINAL OWNER AND WILL PROVIDE THE EMAIL ADDRESS & ALL THE INFORMATION NEEDED Autowin: (No a/w yet) Current offer: SKYPE DOESNT WORK ON MY COMPUTER ANYMORE SO DEALS GO THRU FACEBOOK OR SYTHE
  4. If i bot 6-9 hours a day with this one WITHOUT mirror mode Is it safe at all? Or is mirror mode a must for safe botting? :P Maybe 3 hours on 2 hours off and repeat 2-3 times Okay im using the trial atm and i just saw a random event happen AND IT DIDNT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.. I had to MANUALLY dismiss the random event even tho i have "Dismiss all randoms" in settings checked.. Random solver works with every other script D: Whats wrong?
  5. Title says it all.. Just wondering whats the ban rate at flesh crawlers atm or minotaurs?
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