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  1. Looks nice man! I've got a half sleeve done myself, planning on getting it finished in a few weeks
  2. Ubuntu

    VPS help

    I use OVH, really simple to set up and can hold 2-3 bots for 3$
  3. Confirming we're talking on Skype as my PM is down.

  4. Ubuntu

    MirrorClient v1.20

    Having the same problem, if you find a fix please post :p
  5. Looking to buy 10 accounts, added your Skype
  6. Any help with this? Heres what I'm getting http://prntscr.com/8ui1vi
  7. Alright so, i've set up a VPS running CentOS and everything works fine but OSbot doesn't seem to, It will open but for status it will show "Cannot connect to OSbot!" any of you have this problem and know how to fix it?
  8. Damn, that sucks Thanks for the reply though
  9. Hey guys, just wondering if there's a bot that will mine gold and bank at port sarim? Sorry if this is the wrong thread, new to this :p
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