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  1. HYPEEEEEEEE it's coming out 11am GMT
  2. lol why would you bot on deadman mode when your bank can get looted
  3. You can have multiple tor proxys running at the same time by changing the sock and control ports. However, my fresh level 3 bot got banned despite this so I'm not really sure how effective tor actually is.
  4. /signed also it would be great if everyone that's interested are able to camp the first day it comes out. is this it? http://osbot.org/forum/topic/77045-starting-clan-for-deadman-mode/page-1
  5. shrimp OP, I'm guessing we'll still start at tut island with a chance to skip it. the unofficial word is that it should be released within the next week YAS PLS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  6. Anyone else excited for this? I know I am, I'm getting really bored of the current runescape. At least this way there's some lolz to be had. They talk about deadman mode (29:00) at runefest 2015 http://www.twitch.tv/runescape/v/19258725 If you went to runefest you were given the chance to test out deadman mode, I couldn't find any videos on it though. edit: this was on the osrs website today, looks like another few weeks of waiting JAGEX PLS
  7. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/70559-frostbarrows-script-management-guide-by-gebotter/
  8. fundmelol


    from osrs site jagex pls
  9. You can have multiple proxy ports using tor.
  10. okay, so I'm using a fresh account and it automatically logs me out due to not having enough iron or coal ores even though there is in the bank. Can you fix this please?
  11. Tor is for browser, how would you run a bot client? edit: nvm I found the proxy settings
  12. I've been snooping around Tor for awhile now and its biggest issue is that it's very slow due to routing. However, I'm wondering if anyone have actually tried incorporating Tor for bot use? Here's a quick read for those who don't know Tor https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en#stayinganonymous edit: so the Tor network automatically changes your public IP once every 10 minutes and it doesn't seem to lag as much as I expected. got banned using Tor proxy but I suspect it was due to having previously botting on the account the day before using a flagged IP, will test again using a fresh account
  13. bot was fine, site was down?
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