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Trade With Caution
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About mbmaster8

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  1. @Mio As a moderator you make fact-based conclusions. He agreed with my terms of service. It's all outside of OSBot. That prosecutor doesn't know how to use his VPS, that's not my problem. I only facilitate the VPS as a service, I'm not the kid his personal assistant. As you can see over here the VPS is running pretty dam good with 7 Osbuddy clients and also with the OSbot client. That's because I deliver quality . https://gyazo.com/9207c2ad0e97ace1a300575c18668e84 [hidden] I understand that you are sensitive to the prosecution's story. But please, go and watch this fact-based. I did notting wrong. Because I see this as a total waste of time, will be this my last reaction on this dispute. I will see your judgment appear. Thanks.
  2. Hi All, #3 All payments are final and we offer no refunds. The prosecutor agreed with the term of service. So he isn't entitled to get a refund. And yes in case of when a customer is rude and aggressive I have the right to block him. As I said the prosecutor is still able to access the VPS. And the product isn't 'faulty' it's exactly what he ordered.
  3. Hi All, Didn't notes the dispute on this forum aswell, he also opened one on dre@mbot. (https://dre@mbot.org/forums/index.php?/topic/20742-martijn-vps-seller-is-terriable-person-and-scum/) I sold 6GB RAM | 4 CPU (vCore) | 50GB SSD. Pre-installed Dre@mbot and OSBot like asked. After a couple of day received a message trough discord about the lagg on his VPS. I was trying to help, even when I knew it had notting to do with the VPS. As agreed i have delivered the requested VPS, with the request specs. The prosecutor was aggressive and rude, even when I was giving support. For that reason I decided not to give support anymore, which I already gave out of the deal. The prosecutor can still access the VPS for a month (as agreed). I won't renew it after it and the prosecutor isn't welcome anymore as a customer. That's all that I have to say. I kept my agreements and was helping the prosecutor even when it had notting to do with the VPS, but with the connection and OSBot botting client together with local scripts. The specs of the VPS are conform agreed. The prosecutor can access the VPS till the end of the period (20-7-2020).
  4. Run your RS client, including bot clients - without using your computer. Always up, 24/7 and pre-installed. View & control your VPS through VNC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2G VPS: 2GB RAM | 4 CPU (vCore) | 50GB SSD $8 1 Month $22 3 Months 4G VPS: 4GB RAM | 4 CPU (vCore) | 50GB SSD $12 1 Month $31 3 Months 6G VPS: 6GB RAM | 4 CPU (vCore) | 50GB SSD $15 1 Month $40 3 Months ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord-to-order: Martijn#1997 *Note that we facilitate the VPS as a service, you don't own the VPS, you rent the access.*
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