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  1. I'm using 95% atm with only 3 bots on? I dont know what happend? yesterday it was a lot less now using injection and only 30% wtf
  2. no problem at all you just have to put your screen sometimes correctly before the scripts starts. Put right click on ... Running smooth for me
  3. yeah cant load the bot atm, servers are down or so?
  4. banned today 83 ranged was fun bot got banned too soon
  5. this happends to me also. But bot works 78 range so far
  6. edit i see it now whats wrong lol: [iNFO][09/20 10:40:43 PM]: Loaded 1 RS accounts! [iNFO][09/20 10:40:43 PM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.3.114! [iNFO][09/20 10:40:44 PM]: Loaded 0 local scripts and 0 custom random solvers! [ERROR][09/20 10:40:50 PM]: SOCKS: Network unreachable [ERROR][09/20 10:40:50 PM]: Failed to download user SDN script list from server. [ERROR][09/20 10:40:56 PM]: SOCKS: Network unreachable
  7. I already did that it just get stucks... and I wait forever lol
  8. edit: just bought it gonna test it
  9. bot gets stuck here when trying to use a proxy any1 knows what to do?
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