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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by testfreescripts1

  1. I just setup another account, ran it myself and had Czar's Miner run me to almost 1-60 overnight running at 3 hour intervals with 20 min breaks. It's definitely something in the Tutorial Script :P
  2. Just used this on a brand new account - worked flawlessly through Tutorial Island. Banned within 5 minutes of leaving~
  3. I powerfished one of my skillers @ Barb Village just yesterday... Were you banking? Was it the pathing to/from the bank that caused issues? Just throwing ideas around, best of luck.
  4. I keep getting logged out for some reason. Sometimes after 5min, other times after 5 hours. I'm fishing swordies/tuna in Fishing Guild atm. (I do not use break timers at all currently). The log shows now errors, it just exits...
  5. [ERROR][bot #1][09/23 04:34:03 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at aUX.onLoop(of:62) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(lj:123) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) This keeps happening, not sure what it means. But it only will run for a short while then I end up at login screen. (Doing swordfish @ karamja on F2P)
  6. Also, I've been having an issue where the paint for your scripts randomly disappears! I haven't been pausing or anything like that, but it just vanishes after running for awhile. I've noticed it on the Miner/Fisher (the Magic one seems to work fine).
  7. Is there a way to make it so the script prioritizes high quality ore first? For example, Mithril nodes before Coal in the mining guild.
  8. I've had that same mining guild walking error since I purchased the script 2 or 3 weeks ago? It usually auto-corrects itself , so I don't really care. For those wanting to min/max a bit more, it would save a few minutes I guess. (To be clear, I mean when you bank from mining guild, it will walk back and forth to the NW of the bank for awhile.)
  9. I loved your Fisher/Miner trials so much I bought both in the past two weeks. I'd also be interested in a AIO Smith script from you! Keep up the great work
  10. This looks great! Would also like a working link please!
  11. Script you would like: APA AIO Smither Member number: 188266
  12. Script paint still showing v0.16 - is that correct or did it just not get updated?
  13. Whenever I use the manual feature (select rocks) instead of the automated presets, it lags the ever-living crap out of my client and dies. I've tried both at varrok west on clay and al kharid on iron. I bank all my ores, so I'm not sure if that is part of it too... **the only reason I am telling to run manually is because it always selects the top clay rock that is isolated, decides it doesn't want it... runs back south to the other 2 clay... rinse/repeat. It's just very, very slow for using as a clay script. WORKS: on automated presets BROKEN: manually select rocks to mine Edit: It's very laggy as soon as I start the script manually, but it locks up whenever the inventory is full (instead of banking). Edit2: I tried switching from clay -> iron for a test. It randomly mines tin/silver/iron when using the automated presets. Also got stuck at some point (~2 hours) just sitting in the bank spam right clicking the iron ore.
  14. I appreciate the trial (I actually already bought it, but there's some delay from PayPal to you guys I guess?). However, I'm on F2P trying to bank salmon in Edge from Barb and it just runs me in circles, never banking. The fishing portion works great, but just not banking. Your mining tool works great btw.
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