Whenever I use the manual feature (select rocks) instead of the automated presets, it lags the ever-living crap out of my client and dies. I've tried both at varrok west on clay and al kharid on iron. I bank all my ores, so I'm not sure if that is part of it too...
**the only reason I am telling to run manually is because it always selects the top clay rock that is isolated, decides it doesn't want it... runs back south to the other 2 clay... rinse/repeat. It's just very, very slow for using as a clay script.
WORKS: on automated presets
BROKEN: manually select rocks to mine
Edit: It's very laggy as soon as I start the script manually, but it locks up whenever the inventory is full (instead of banking).
Edit2: I tried switching from clay -> iron for a test. It randomly mines tin/silver/iron when using the automated presets. Also got stuck at some point (~2 hours) just sitting in the bank spam right clicking the iron ore.