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Script Officer
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Everything posted by Token

  1. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Authed I'm afraid we can't handle refunds as scripters as sales go to OSBot, but if there are any issues with the script let me know and I'll get them fixed
  2. I don't think it would be much faster Authed
  3. Follow the scripting setup guide I posted, it's under featured topics
  4. Authed It will delay birdhosues and farm runs until it can do both in the same session, so it won't log in only to do birdhouses and take a break until herbs are ready, but log in when both are ready Next update The previous script is outdated and will be replaced when this is ready, you should have it now
  5. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I messed up some things, it's fixed now Just a description of the problem and logger contents is all that's needed
  6. Launching from a ssh terminal requires assigning a virtual desktop for the client to run on, it's a graphic application so I'm not sure if using -nointerface will work if you don't assign a desktop to the command you run. Install something like Gnome and tigervnc and try to start using a VNC client instead. You can do this through a ssh terminal after you install the window system even without the VNC itself, but I'm not sure if -nointerface works without any window system at all.
  7. Press refresh after you put the script jar into the Scripts directory, make sure the jar really contains the class you wrote
  8. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Yes, should be fixed now
  9. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Authed What's printed in the logger? (top right corner under Settings -> Togge logger)
  10. Authed There are only 5 supported patches atm, so that's max profit right now I've still got that on my to-do list Authed Authed Thanks, will take a look shortly Authed Were herb boxes also disabled?
  11. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Disable adventure paths I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials
  12. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Fixed Authed Move the file under C:\Users\<USER>\OSBot\Data\StealthNMZ\ prayer It's a basic setup with 28 prayer potions, load it on GUI using the Load Settings button and adjust the settings to your needs
  13. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials Is it the doors near the house with Elena, where there are 2 mourners at the entrance? Yes Death walking is not supported atm, the boss is quite easy to kill with low level gear like a staff and water bolt Does that account have adventure paths? Yes Yes Fixed I'm afraid I'm not currently doing trials
  14. Authed Restocking is not yet supported Start at a bank I'm not sure, but I'd recommend getting a few levels with sulphurous fertilizer Authed
  15. Authed The device may be running low on resources, or the client resources are restricted by some settings
  16. Token

    Stealth NMZ

    Where does this new dialogue appear?
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