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Script Officer
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Everything posted by Token

  1. Token

    Stealth Quester

    No mirror mode doesn't help at all, it's also broken so complex scripts won't work on it
  2. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Are you using mirror mode?
  3. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Yes but there is no ETA
  4. Token

    Stealth Quester

    You had one before
  5. I'm not exactly sure what "this" refers to in your first snippet so I can't help you with that but when you call interact() on anything, an InteractionEvent instance is created with a default threshold of 5 attempts so it may execute the same action up to 5 times and it's equivalent to InteractionEvent e = new InteractionEvent(someEntity, someAction); e.setCameraDistance(14); e.setHover(false); e.setMaximumAttempts(5); e.setOperateCamera(true); script.execute(e); In java we use the equals() method to compare 2 non-primitives like String instances so your condition should be @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return script.inventory.getItemInSlot(27).getName().equals("Jug of water"); } But you should take into consideration this will throw a NullPointerException if there is no item in that slot, eg when you don't have 28 jugs left and you only go to fountain with 20, so maybe this may work better @Override public boolean condition() { return !script.inventory.contains("Jug"); } Also void using any animations as they are not continuous and therefore not reliable (there is a short transition time between animations when the method returns false)
  6. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I don't deal with sales so I can't do anything about that. Yes it's lifetime. The script was designed to generate lots of accounts with quests completed, not only 1 account, so if you are only planning to run it on 1 account it's most likely easier to hire someone. Try without those 2 flags and let me know if it's still not working, I believe there may be some hook errors in the client on some CLI modes
  7. Token

    Stealth Quester

    1 auth per person Are you by any chance using norender flag or any other flags? Authed
  8. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Fill in a bug report template 1 auth per person. Yes.
  9. Token

    Stealth Quester

    By they will be posted when they are ready I mean they are not public until release
  10. Token

    Stealth Quester

    They will be posted when they are ready
  11. Token

    Stealth Quester

    They will be published in the update log when they are ready
  12. Java allocates a lot of memory on unix systems, so easiest fix is switching to windows if the .118 client didn't fix your memory issues
  13. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Yes there is no ETA
  14. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I've uploaded something which should fix this but if the issue persists, send me the actual logger contents so that I can see what the problem is
  15. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Was an error popup displayed or anything in the logger?
  16. Token

    Stealth Quester

    So your kitten turned into a cat or your hell-kitten turned into a hellcat?
  17. Token

    Stealth Quester

    You mean hell cat or normal cat?
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