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Script Officer
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Everything posted by Token

  1. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I was missing that case, gonna create a few accounts and add it to the script I don't see anything wrong in there, but if you are trying to do Animal Magnetism and you have all skill/quest requirements you may be missing access to Morytania which is also required (the script automatically talks to Drezel after Priest in Peril to gain access to Morytania, but in case you did Priest in Peril manually you can talk to Drezel to continue)
  2. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Did you do The Golem yourself and didn't loot the throne during the quest?
  3. Token

    Stealth Quester

    You finished Demon Slayer, The Golem and have 30 crafting?
  4. Token

    Stealth Quester

    The Restless Ghost & Romeo and Juliet are now also available on iron man mode (press F5 on GUI)
  5. Token

    Stealth Quester

    The problem is in the client's camera hooks, it's not up to me when it's fixed but it doesn't usually take long. If I manage to find a workaround on my end before we get a client update, I'll notify you. Thanks
  6. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I think that's the missing camera hook from the yesterday's update, I'm not sure if there was a client update but I'll check if I can work around that from script code
  7. Token

    Stealth Quester

    If that's some store/SDN error I can forward your request to someone who deals with this. Just to make sure that's the case, could you send me a PM with the logger contents after pressing the refresh button on the script list in the client?
  8. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Set the preset on the right side of each quest you want it to be used, there's a label next to every quest which you can click to set the preset Well I haven't heard anything about the iron man test on SDN, but I'll push another 2-3 quests for the iron man mode tonight, maybe people will be more interested in trying it if it can get 7 QP
  9. Send me the logger contents if you can
  10. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Yes but you have to get all the required items including teleports and enchanted jewelry, so it may not be worth it for iron men
  11. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Create a gear preset (middle part of the GUI), set staff & spell in the preset, save it. Select this preset on the quests you want to use it by clicking the right side of the quest entry (on the list to the left), it should be the armour icon by default but will change to preset name after selecting it Not atm Well it would be much easier to just use stealth injection, there may be other problems other than GE on mirror mode. But if you want to buy the items yourself, the easiest way to find the required items is to open the logger and check the list of items it prints after opening bank, before heading to GE. It will print a list of all items you are missing and it will attempt to buy, if you buy those then it won't go to GE anymore. I'll run a few tests on it, let me know if you encounter the same problem on other accounts Yes but the item requirements are too strict to be worth it for iron men right now, the script will require items like teleport tablets and enchanted jewelry
  12. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Set the gear preset on the right side of each quest
  13. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I haven't personally noticed any differences between stealth injection and mirror mode, but that's a matter of personal preference
  14. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I'll run a few tests on it shortly, let me know if you encounter that problem again
  15. Token

    Stealth Quester

    What I was trying to say is that quests have to be completed from start to finish in most cases, currently extending support for this, but at least 90% of them may not be able to resume if interrupted. Was there any problem at the bank before heading to Entrana? PS: Any quest can be continued even if interrupted, I added a debug mode that attempts to continue a quest as if it was interrupted by game crashes/updates/disconnections/etc. The crucial detail when using the debug mode is that when you start the script, it won't go to bank/GE and it will assume the required items are in inventory and the bot is at the right place for the current quest stage. If it is still on that stage, withdraw 15 pieces of the chosen food, about 200 casts for the boss fight, 2 lumbridge teleports, 2 falador teleports and 1 knife, then start the script press F4 (the GUI title should change) select Lost City, the desired gear preset, food and start.
  16. Token

    Stealth Quester

    The quest seems to have been previously started from those logger messages (not all quests if partially done before running the script)
  17. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Should be fixed now, let me know if you are still having issues with this I'm working on adding the old gear loading feature on the new GUI That's normal, you can't bring weapons on Entrana Many interactions with interfaces don't work on mirror mode, I always advise to run it on stealth injection Does that happen if you restart the script?
  18. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Most quests don't have death support, but from my experience running Witch's House before any other high level boss fight quests makes it impossible to die
  19. Token

    Stealth Quester

    I heard there were some config changes for stamina recently, I'll push an update shortly. The maze shouldn't cause any issues, but I'll look for ways to implement the shortcut.
  20. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Also requires access to Morytania which you obtain by talking to Drezel after Priest in Peril (the script automatically does this if you let it do Priest in Peril)
  21. I designed the script for the easiest "1 click" construction training, this means I coded the whole process of taking all necessary decisions from a fresh level 3 with just a cash pile in bank/inventory (the script will even buy a house for you and hire butlers). The disadvantage in here is there's not many options, 99% of training options an "AIO" construction script can offer would never be used (eg. building sinks, bell pulls, etc) but I believe removing redundant content actually makes it more user friendly. It should use demon butlers on both default and fast options, but I added a small optimization on the fast mode because according to my tests it's actually faster if it keeps building larders with teleports until 52, then hires demon butler and switches directly to mahogany tables (doesn't go to ardougne for normal butler either). If the account is 52+ construction and still doesn't use demon butler, then let me know because that's definitely not what it was supposed to do. PS: There's no code for moneybag, I was thinking about adding (was released after the script), but I didn't find it to improve performance a lot since 25 inventory slots don't help more than 24 (larders require 8 slots, tables 6, there's no performance gain on either)
  22. Token

    Stealth Quester

    The new interface is supposed to offer more features, the old predefined presets can now be entirely recreated by users but with a lot more customization, including user defined CLI flags for large scale private goldfarming. It's actually not that complicated as it may sound, you don't have to create a gear preset for each quest, you can use the same gear preset for multiple quests.
  23. Does it fail to start? If you tried to start it multiple times, does it print some error in the logger? (and is it the same error?)
  24. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Probably in the future, not planned right now
  25. Token

    Stealth Quester

    Not currently handling trials
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