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  1. http://prntscr.com/f6drw6 script working flawlessly until now, just gets stuck here [INFO][05/10 10:34:59 PM]: Started script : Aux [INFO][Bot #1][05/10 10:35:01 PM]: "ss_range_method" changed to "0" [INFO][Bot #1][05/10 10:35:01 PM]: "setup_ready" changed to "1"
  2. liked! could I get a trial before purchasing?
  3. can i get some help, my bot keeps moving to the target, then click the attack options tab, back to clicking on the target but doesnt actually shoot and lick on the target, ive set all the settings correctly
  4. fmdank

    buying vip

    is it possible to buy vip for an existing account? i'm either very blind and can't find the option or there isn't one...
  5. i re-installed java and it works now, odd... thanks
  6. i have the most up to date java be quiet.
  7. im not sure if theres actually an issue with the download but when extracting the download, theres not .exe to run the client? what am i doing wrong?
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