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  1. hey mate, please may I get a trial fo this script?
  2. Just purchased to run some nats (QP>fairy ring method) and within about an hour or so it has gotten stuck a handful of times in 2 main spots. 1st spot is after teleporting with QC it sometimes just stands and doesn't make its way to the fairy ring. 2nd after making its way to the altar it gets to the altar and doesn't click to enter it, it just stands like 5-10 squares away from it. As soon as I tap an arrow key to rotate the camera slightly it picks back up from where it got stuck (heads over and uses the ring/enters the altar) however with these occuring it makes the script unviable for AFK use. if you need me to supply anything to try to get this fixed let me know. other than that the script works very very smoothly, love the shift click to empty pouches and the overall speed of banking/teleporting, it's fast like a human learning the run by muscle memory would be.
  3. Hey guys, is this script still working well (does it need to be updated after rs gets a system update) and how soon after purchasing am I able to use it? sorry, I'm new-ish to osrs and osbot. Many Thanks, Cougho
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