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  1. The issue was happening regardless of it being on Runelite or the OSBot client. I did however solve it, it had to do with my MSI Afterburner overclock settings. I shut down the software and the problem went away. Thank you guys for trying to help
  2. Someone please help me out with this... here is an image that replicates the issue but on RuneLite.
  3. Thank you, I was referring to the wait for loot option. With the combination with loot own items, it is working as intended. Thank you for the swift reply.
  4. Hello, I'm having some strange graphical errors when trying to interact with the OSBot 2.6.46 client. If I hover my cursor around the interaction menu of OSbot, I get all sorts of artifacts and clones of certain elements eg. the mini display screen will be all over the right side panel. This has been happening with the stealth client and the mirror one. It doesn't matter which script I'm running, just interacting (logging in etc.) will even cause this. Any help is greatly appreciated thank you.
  5. Loot first doesn't work. Kills cow 1 ------> starts attacking cow 2 ------> goes back to cow 1 corpse mid combat once the cowhide drops. Please fix this edit* Changing options to "loot first" doesn't do anything either.
  6. Thanks for the warning
  7. @Czar Yes, I had shift click drop enabled. I've tried both ways with it enabled and disabled with similar results. As for botting in the past; I've had the account for maybe two weeks with zero botting or anything "illegal", I've also gotten a new ISP, new computer, and moved to a different country since I last botted. Which was 3-4 years ago with this script. ; ) I may have exaggerated the bot run time... sorry. A more accurate runtime would be 40min-1hour in lumbridge fishing for shrimp/anchovies, and another 1-2hour in barbarian village fly fishing/banking. Maybe this info might help. I'm waiting for the update Czar, I really don't want to start from scratch again without your script to get me going. P.S I'm really happy to see you're supporting your scripts like this after all these years. Respect.
  8. Dropping and banking is very buggy for me. Dropping other fish will not work e.g. it will bank both shrimp and anchovies when opted out to drop shrimps. Not sure if this is a bug but, the script is not banking to deposit box in port sarim when fishing for lobster in Karamja. ******Also, I got banned with less than 1 hour of usage... -Account with 1 week of clean playtime with various skills leveled to 40-50's. -Mirror mode enabled. -Was baby sitting and talking to other players within my vicinity the whole time. -Had no previous botting associated with this computer/ip. I may have had really bad luck but either way use with extreme caution, this script was doing some weird shit whilst fishing for anchovies in lumbridge.
  9. Hi Czar, this is my third script I've bought off of you. The perfect chopper and fisher are... perfect, but unfortunately I can't say the same about this one. I hope the update will fix it up, as of now It is impossible to use this script because of the extremely high CPU use. 100% at times! It also randomly wonders off into the forest.
  10. I just had a guesstimation. Perhaps Jagex is attacking osbot... They're cheesed I'm saving all this time and making great progess in RS whilst having an actual life.
  11. OSBOT is working now but scripts won't run at all for me.
  12. This is so annoynig...freaknig ddosers
  13. Hi Czar, I got your Perfect Fisher already and I'd like a trial of your Perfect Magic script please. Thanks!
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