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  1. Not sure why, but this doesn't seem to work for me. Edited both lines of config in both files, still OSBot boots up in too small of a window. ​The only thing that seems to help is running OSBot in low-resource mode through the command line, but that's just a stopgap measure so I can actually read the bot config menus. Any other known fixes out there? Thanks guys!
  2. Has world hopper been implemented?
  3. Needs to be implemented because OSbot's world hopper is broken.
  4. You're absolutely spectacular
  5. /* Hey! Here is an album I made detailing the Desert mining camp: http://imgur.com/a/elElZ Also, the 2007 Wikia helps as well, detailing everything about the Camp and the mine with the loads of Addy and Mith ore http://rsmap.net/#6/-63.100/36.584 */ However, after further research, the fact that this place is in a mine (requiring a key), inside a camp (requiring a second key), south in the desert (requiring waterskins) and in the desert (requiring 5 gold passage for entrance) AND far from a bank (closest is Al Kharid), this would be an awful place to mine mith and addy, despite the fact that there are droves of the ores here. Instead...and if I make a suggestion perhaps could you add the ability to mine combinations of rocks? Like for Addy/Mith/Coal at the Al Kharid mine, the character would mine Addy, THEN Mith, and THEN Coal. Addy would always hold priority so when a new addy ore opens up, the character could run to it and mine it prior to continuing to mining mith/coal. Same with Mithril. The selective mining feature of the script makes it useful for this, but the fact that there is (seemingly) no hierarchy in the ores, when selecting addy, mith and coal at a mine, the character will mine whatever is available, regardless of value. This leads to multiple trips with lots of coal and no addy/mith when in fact addy/mith was available in the ores. Once again, you don't need to implement any of this shit (you don't need me telling you that either), but just some suggestions still by far the best bot out there in terms of consistency, GUI, and scripting language. I've let it run multiple nights in a row with some crazy gains in mining level. I'm pretty sure I'm single-handedly affecting the RS economy for coal too, with the fact that I mine it nonstop. Cheers
  6. [iNFO][bot #1][08/18 02:36:15 PM]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0] and target: [x=3183, y=3369, z=0], report this to Czar immediately! ^^Happens when I start miner in GE. Iron, Varrock West, banking, special ON, anti-ban ON Edit: Also, random, but could you add the Desert Mine in Al Kharid as a place to mine Mith/Addy? It requires a key but if you don't empty out the entire inventory with the empty inventory button the user can still have the key w/out the key ring.
  7. Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to make such a great piece of software. I didn't have to think twice shelling out $8.99 for it because it's so flawless perfect. I look forward to future updates Edit: Corrected ;)
  8. Does this script feature world-hopping? If not, will it? ...
  9. This is what happens when accessing home OSBot.org website: http://imgur.com/QEb8s9I
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