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  1. Looking for a good private scripter that has knowledge of staking related scripts. Pm me or post below so we can talk trough skype or discord. Willing to pay a nice amount.
  2. Lmfao 2 days??????? Runecrafting is goldfarming. I botted a pure at rock crabs and got a perm ban today. NO warning. PERMANENLTY. And you get 2 days for a offence thats even worse than rock crab botting. Lucky you my friend.
  3. Seriously. Looking at all these proggies. Mirror client is amazing. It's legit once again possible to make bot-farms and actually bot in a decent way. Would definitely recommend everyone to get VIP + Status and get yourself botting on a mirror client ASAP.
  4. Amazing the mirror client is. Made a fresh new account. Did waterfall quest. Got 40 attack. Now i've been 24/7'ing my strength with APA Rock Crabs with the mirror client. Took small breaks of 3-4 hours so botting like 20 hours a day. Already 73 strength and going strong. When botting without the mirror client i would have been banned ages ago. Im loving it.
  5. Still down? It's still not working for me? Isn't there any Devlopers or Admins online that can help me solve this? Been sitting with this problem for a long time now???
  6. Still need help with this. Got VIP for this mirror client but it's not working. is it working for anyone else? And mods that can help me out with this????
  7. By the way: The exact error that occurs is : 'An error has occured while loading hooks' ^ This message occurs after hooks load for 5 mins + Also the OSRS webclient in the background becomes completely white screen...?
  8. Yes this is exactly what i did. Not OSBuddy or any other downloadable client. Just the www.oldschool.runescape.com client loaded and NOT logged in. The mirror client itself finds the client but then fails to load the hooks If that's true than that has to be the problem im occuring. Ill just wait it out for a bit. If anyone has any tips or advice for this problem let me know. I don't think i'm the only one camping with the mirror client problem. I appreciate all the feedback from you guys!
  9. Yeah i know that. Before it loads the 'hooks' it 'Searches for an oldschool client'. It gets stuck at the hooks:S.
  10. Ok how? You cant send him pm's it says. I just tried it. How do i contact him? Appreciate your helping out though
  11. Sorry for posting this again but i really need help with this. I want to purchase a shitload of scripts i cant wait to get started but i need this mirror client to work It keeps giving me an error when loading the 'Hooks' Someone help me out please. Even willing to pay for it if someone helps me get it to work.
  12. Someone help please
  13. Ok just passed all the other errors and now i get this error: Error loading hooks. How do i fix this? I opened a OSRS webclient ( Even tried it with OSBuddy). Then loaded up mirror client OSBot and it takes like 5 minutes to load Hooks and then gives me the error. Help me out please
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