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Everything posted by Worthwhile

  1. Don't be too happy, they usually ban alot of people just before Runefest
  2. If it's anything like dungeoneering, I'll take it. Dung was the easily the most fun "skill".
  3. ah I was wondering this too. noticed people spamming buying phats in weird locations.
  4. Deadman mode is gonna be interesting Deadman mode is gonna be interesting
  5. Jagex just stepping up their bot detecting shitz.
  6. The second sub-quest I believe. All you need is fishing contest done
  7. http://tecadmin.net/install-oracle-java-8-jdk-8-ubuntu-via-ppa/
  8. Ran another 6 hours with it this morning with no problems but potion support would be great and while monsters are aggressive, it shouldn't click on the monster again in my opinion. (i never do playing legit anyway)
  9. Do trials expire 24 hours after trial given or 24 hours of actual usage?
  10. Wow, this script is seriously amazing. Did 6 hours without any hiccups at all. Would've loved to post a progress report but the client did a screenshot without showing the paint. Definitely considering buying this for ankous once I'm higher levelled. A top script.
  11. How much for Priest in Peril, Ernest the Chicken and Animal Magnetism
  12. Thanks for this, just left with Tree Gnome Village now. but i'll do that one tommorow
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