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  1. I figured out that I had this problem just now, so it is still active.
  2. What you might do is, and also what @dreameo is suggesting: if (!myPlayer.isUnderAttack() { if (lootOption) { loot(); } else if (buryBonesOption) { buryBones(); } else if (goblin != null && goblin.exists() && goblin.getHealthPercent() > 0 && !myPlayer().isInteracting(goblin) && !goblin.isUnderAttack() && map.canReach(goblin) && goblinArea.contains(goblin)) { attackGoblin(goblin); } } This will solve your problem. This might, however, introduce a new problem. You'll have to test it.
  3. I think what might happen is that it attacks a target. When your target is doing a dying animation, it looks for the next target to attack and attacks the next target when such a target is found. The previous target will drop loot after your next target is already chosen, and thus the goblinPosition variable is already overwritten by the new target's position, therefore the if-statement in your loot() method will not be satisfied. The first thing and (to me) most obvious thing to recommend is that you wait until your target has dropped the loot, but there are also other ways to make it work.
  4. I need a quick 10M for $7,00 in total. Paying with Paypal.
  5. hahaha indeed There is no such thing as an message typed in one instant and not letter by letter. However, you can change the speed between letters, making the waiting time between the letters negligible and then it will look like your message is in an instant.
  6. Long enough to make profit out of my bots i.e. months
  7. I bot 3x 2 hours every day, with a minimum of 2 hours break between every sessions
  8. My experience is that I get banned immediately the next day if I use stealth injection. I don't have any problems with f2p and new accounts.
  9. There are enough tutorials online for Java. and indeed, use IntelliJ.
  10. What I meant was: List<RS2Widget> list = getWidgets().getAll(); for (RS2Widget widget : list) { String[] actions = widget.getInteractActions(); if (actions != null) { for (String action : widget.getInteractActions()) { if (action != null && action.toLowerCase().contains("tan")) { log(widget.getRootId() + ", " + widget.getSecondLevelId()); } } } } But this didn't work. So I followed your advice and tried this: for (int i = 0; i <= 999; i ++) { List<RS2Widget> list = getWidgets().containingActions(i, "Tan All"); if (list.size() > 0) { log(i); } } But this gives a ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (At 616) before outputting anything. I even tried to bruteforce with rootID, secondLevelID, thirdLevelID between 0 and 999 and it still returns nothing.
  11. I'm trying to make a tanning script at Al-Kharid. However, I am trying find the widget for each of the hides you can tan. However, I cannot find them. When I get all widgets and I try to look at actions if there is one with "Tan" in it, but I also cannot find any. How can I find the widget?
  12. Yes I am sure, because immediately the next line I am printing the boolean and it took a very look time. Don't know why but it works now without any delay. I tried after this suggestion but it didn't work. It turns out that it is WebWalkEvent instead of WebWalkingEvent XD But it worked after I used the correct class name, so thanks.
  13. I guess that you are doing it the wrong way. I think that other people can also affirm this
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