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  1. bruises

    Fruity NMZ

    Damn that's unfortunate, sounds sound right with nmz, usually its pretty low bans from what I gather from users, is this the only script used? Yeah, this was the only script I used. I hadn't botted in 4 years when I got a 2 day ban for fletching my way to 94. Started playing again a few months back and made a ton of legit gains, quests, etc. Didn't want to train combat so decided to try the script and sadly just bad luck I guess. At least I wasn't perma-banned. Won't bother requesting a refund in case I want to test it on another account sometime.
  2. bruises

    Fruity NMZ

    I ended up buying the script, as well as VIP for mirror mode. Sadly got a 2 day ban after literally doing 1 dream, 2 days in a row. Not sure if I had something set up wrong on my end, bad luck, or if their bot detecting is just insane nowadays. The script seemed to work flawlessly for the 2 dreams that I did.
  3. bruises

    Fruity NMZ

    I am looking into buying this script. However, I am new to this and not entirely sure the difference between mirror mode and stealth injection. Most comments I have seen in this thread are about MM, which is only offered to VIP. Does the script work just as effective if used in SI mode?
  4. Can I get a trial when you get the chance? Appreciate you.
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