Does not work properly for me.
Haven't used this bot for a year or so, just purchased again.
Starts killing zulrah, but mid kill just stops attacking. Drinks potions, rotates and everything just not hitting back.
Is it me or this script started bugging out.
After dying goes to bank, and shuts down because it ran out of void made helm
The issues above with interfaces is still relevant. Generally you have to baby sit it now.
@Fruity do some fixing pls, thnx
Well I dont feel like paying for private script anyway. Even though revenants probbaly would be dope, but I would need more accounts like this, and pretty good scripter for this
Had this account since early 2015, any idea what should I bot? for max profit? What would be the realistic price?
If anyone are interested in buying it I could sell it, give me any offers