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  1. OSBot Global Terms of Service 1. You may not log into the account during a service unless you have permission from the owner of the service, doing so will result in the termination of the service with NO Refund. 2. You MUST NOT change the details of the account until the service has been completed, doing so will result in a void service with NO Refund. 3. If there are any items required for the service, it is between you and the service owner to come to an agreement on who covers them 4. You MUST change your password after the service is completed 5. If you have any substantial wealth on the account, it is your responsibility to protect it (Either Bank Pin/Transfer Trade) 6. Once the service is complete you must leave Feedback for the relevant parties involved 7. You MUST Post on the service thread to acknowledge their individual T.O.S and start the service 8. If the Service is requested to be done legit, any T.O.S related to bans/mutes become obsolete (Unless evidence can be provided of prior botting) Bob10's Terms of Service Section I: Responsibility I will not be held responsible for any infractions upon your account before, during (paused services included), and after the service. After the service is completed, I will contact you personally. You will not be held responsible for lack of communication unless you fail to reply to my attempts that I made to contact you. You must provide the items needed for the service unless we come to an agreement on it. If that is the case, the agreement will be recorded in case of a dispute. Section II: Account Possessions I will only interact with the items on the account that are needed to complete the service. You may move your wealth to another account before the service begins. Once the service begins, you cannot move any items. Section III: Account Stats If the service requires leveling a specific stat or set of stats, they will only be trained to that level. No other stats will be altered, unless it cannot be prevented. In that scenario, I will contact you about the situation before continuing the service. Your reply will be recorded in case of a future dispute. Section IV: Who Goes First? Currently, I will go first on all service requests. Failing to pay after will result in a dispute being filed against you. This section can change in the future. Section V: Service Supplies/Requirements Services that require certain items that I cannot cover must be on the account before I began the service. For quests that the account does not have the requirements for, additional payment will have to be given if it is decided that I complete them. Failing to have the required item for power-leveling services may result in the service request being declined. If we cannot reach an agreement on quest requirements the account does not meet, the service request will be declined. For services that require membership, the account must have membership before I start the service. If the account runs out of membership during the service, the service will be terminated or paused. If terminated, you must pay for the progress that was done. Section VI: Account Information & Privacy You must place a temporary, strong password on the account before the service begins. The new password cannot be altered once the service begins. The account's new password and current username may not be shared with any other individuals. The username and email information cannot be changed at the start of, during (paused services included), and after. Your account's information will not be disclosed to anyone. If evidence is needed for a dispute that involves your account, the evidence will be sent to the staff privately. Extremely private information such as the password will not be shared. ***If the account is not yours and an altercation arouses between you and the other party/parties, I will not be involved. A dispute will be opened against you if I am contacted about the situation. Section VII: Service Cancellation If you wish to cancel the service, contact me immediately. You will be responsible for paying for the amount of progress that has been done. Extra Information What services do you provide? Currently, I am only doing quests, Pest Control, and power-leveling by hand. (If it is a quest I have not done, I will inform you first) How may I contact you? You may contact me through Skype: Osbot.Bob10. Before sending the contact request, please inform me who you are on the OSBot forum. Why should I order services from you? Lack of trust is known and only way I can deal with that issue is going first and completing the order. Payment amount and form of payment will be discussed before starting the service. If you have other questions, please contact me through Skype. This thread will be used to handle service requests, cancellations, and completions. Service Form Type of Service: (Quest, Pest Control, Power-leveling) Description of service: (State what you need done here) Do you have the requirements to carry out the service: (Yes/No) *Please provide an explanation if needed. Contact Information: (Private message may be sent if you do not wish to disclose) Do you agree to my Terms of Service and OSBot's Global Terms of Service:
  2. Personally, I doubt it has any script that checked over by those that manage the SDN. If you downloaded a local script that was not checked, could be possible? Unsure if the client detects malicious code being used. Other than that, could have originated from something you may have downloaded or previous information entered elsewhere. Tried looking over sites or downloads done before the event?
  3. Was doing fine not botting hard throughout the week, but made mistake and tried pulling a 24 hour on two skills. Received a 2 day ban after waking up this morning. It could have been delayed, though. Never will know.
  4. Tanks are still dominate? Remember running Rengar as a tank during the Cinderhulk meta, but switched back to full AD Rengar after it becoming boring.
  5. By setup screen, are you referring to a script's setup after you start it from here? Are you logging in your RuneScape account through the OSBot client first before starting the script?
  6. Each fishing spot (not ones with same actions I believe) should have their own NPC id. You may try using that as a way of differentiating between the spots.
  7. Sorry, meant to check back soon. To eat a specific food: getInventory().getItem(379).interact("Eat"); // using int getInventory().getItem("Lobster").interact("Eat"); // using String getInventory().getItemInSlot(0).interact("Eat"); // slot Eat from a variety of foods: *Twin showed me Filters. Like using when needed. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") getInventory().getItem(new Filter<Item>() { @Override public boolean match(Item item) { return item != null && food_list.contains(item.getName()); //food_list = list formed based on foods the user entered } });
  8. Take a look at GroundItems and Skills in the API. You could eat based off the percent of health they have with: if(myPlayer().getHealth() <= 30) { //change 30 to lowest percent you will tolerate //code here } Or you could check the current health using: if(getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS) <= 25)) { //change 25 to lowest health you will tolerate //code here } Did not post loot example since there may be better ways. For Black Dragons script I was working on, I checked based off what items were on the ground. Problem with that is other players leaving loot on the ground. Hope this helped a bit.
  9. When you mentioned disabling scripts, are local scripts included? Many thanks for the heads up.
  10. Oh, true. I forgot about using it to check in-game. Cannot do so.
  11. If you are in need of the npc attack and defending animations, search google for them. Know the name of the community site, but do not wish the break the rule on advertising. Should be the same since it's 2007 servers.
  12. Cannot give much input (new as well), but could add random sleep lengths, walking paths? Would seem strange doing something exactly the same for a long period of time (personal opinion). Read over a thread that recommended getting the MethodProvider instead of directly typing it in: this.localWalker.walk(this.bankArea, true); to getLocalWalker().walk(bankArea, true); *Noticed you used sleep with random in a certain area within the script. Nice work on starting script by the way.
  13. Hello, Was curious if this mode itself increases the risk of a player being banned. For example, playing on the OSBot client and to use the features located in the settings window. Or is it the scripts/time botting/area/growth in a single stat only that pose a risk of being banned?
  14. New to scripting on here, but ran into this problem whilst working on script for Black Dragons to use. This worked for my scenario, but sure there is a better way: // access inventory in your way here if(getInventory().interact("Use", "Raw chicken")) { for(RS2Object o : getObjects().getAll()) { if(o.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Chicken Shrine")) { chicken_altar = o; break; } } if(chicken_altar != null) { chicken_altar.hover(); sleep(random(500, 800)); mouse.click(false); ...... (cutting code off here)
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