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Everything posted by gangsthurh

  1. vro dont give jagex the knowledge it needs, (i bet "humans and both robots make mistakes XD" ETC ETC ETC is also the mindset of idiot jagex employees, i mean these are the same people who released the EOC)
  2. bretty sure a game dies when you remove wildy and add eoc. bots breathe life upon the game :^)
  3. hey boyz, i wrote an update to this login handler that fixes it for the march15 patch (is stopping people at the "click here to play" button)
  4. FakeFour maybe its because of the tele tab. its not even efficient to tele tab it slows your run down by 50%! Just buy and sell ur glories at G.E u will make more money and that might be why it wont click the nature rift
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