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Mithril Poster

Mithril Poster (6/10)



  1. Hello. Im looking for someone to help me kill the last final boss with these stats and gear. Leave discord or a price.
  2. Possible to get a trial?
  3. Vicfre


    Well i need this 70 ATT STR DEF 75 RANGE MAGIC SMITHING FISHING AND MINING CRAFTING 60 WC FIREMAKING HUNTER THIEVING HERBLORE 77 Runecrafting 65 CONSTRUCTION 80 FLETCHING 70 COOKING 76 AGILITY Add me on discord: Vicfre#6594 to give price on all the tasks
  4. I need it done ASAP PM me on discord Vicfre#6594 to see my stats and give a price
  5. This are the stats with fire cape and torso (Dont know if even good haha) and only like 97 qp it also got Username login
  6. add me on discord Vicfre#6594
  7. I am looking for a mid lvl account with around lvl 50 base stats.
  8. I need someone to train a fresh account from tut island to lvl 50 in every stat Give me price on the service and ressource cost
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