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  1. Could I get a trial, Really interested in this.
  2. Will you add yews at wc guild?
  3. Jeremy1235

    help please

    Some updates it'll still work for, but there was an interface change which probably is the main reason the boy will not load now. Just a guess from me though. Don't quote me.
  4. Jeremy1235

    help please

    There was a rs update, just gotta wait for the bot to be updated.
  5. I think it was since osbot was updated
  6. I keep getting a problem when it wont attack another monster, it just stops. Going to test out the newest version to see if it works, but will let you know.
  7. Of course its really not that exciting... but I got banned on my noob, who i havent played in a few days. but my main who just did a 40 hour non stop didnt get banned... good job Jagex My noob was mainly killing chickens for like 6 hours 2 days ago.
  8. Well i think i hit a milestone? Probably the best script ive used since i started using osbot...
  9. Just got to my 24 hour mark, heres a new proggy great script man thanks!
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