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  1. @Khaleesi Hey, can I please get a trial?
  2. @Token An improvement that should hopefully be easy for you to add is for the quest, Tree Gnome Village. When going back to talk to King Bolren, instead of having to walk through the entire maze multiple times, it can just talk to Elkoy standing in front of the Maze to be teleported to the centre so you don't have to go through the maze. This would save a lot of time and walking.
  3. @Token Great script, works well. Any plans on adding Haunted Mine Quest soon? Also, when will Stamina and Super Energy Potions be enabled? Thanks,
  4. @Token Any chance you could add "Nature's Spirit" as a quest?
  5. Does this repair barrows items that it has equipped when broken?
  6. Did both of you guys bot with breaks? How long did you bot per day?
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