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Posts posted by risky

  1. This whole thread is a misunderstanding - As I just mentioned if you like it or not, you was warned 15 times of which you faked a picture of me here - https://i.gyazo.com/1f1c7cb6e43386b4297eed437bc56903.png

    You was kicked after sending it and - https://i.gyazo.com/976a85da2299db477d1a5ee86817758c.png

    before all this as I say, you was warned 15 times, not once or twice. I appreciate the "keep up the good work" part, even if it is sarcastic, and I will remain to try my hardest, thank you.

    wasnt an attempt at sarcasm , i believe the warnings were for asking why @Yabit was banned and i didnt let it rest. I just want the same rules enforced on every1 > one guy gets ban for trolling then everyone should, whether it be mild or serious flaming.

  2. You was given a reason behind your ban + what you asked was answered. As far as i'm aware you're the person who made/sent the pictures, not someone else so clearly you do know they got "faked", I have no reason to unblock you an inbox would have been fine. Instead you went that far and was out of line.

    and this was under the assumption the person who bans u from cb could view the appeal of the person. if you couldnt view the appeal then there is no reason for me to not explain it. sorry we have misunderstanding .keep up the great work

  3. I'm not going to argue with you - You didn't state anything of that at all, you claimed you sent it to @deceiver then assumed I meant via Skype. Check your chat logs, and next time try not to be so immature about your banning after you was warned a good solid 15 times.

    Exactly no point to argue, you could unblock me and we can handle it maturely but I'm sure your past that. I can't view chat logs. I never claimed to send anyone, I just put in appeal, not knowing it was faked. Idc you were promoted the fact of the matter was I questioned your actions and you couldn't reply to me

  4. Actually no it wasn't "provoked" you made up a fake picture to try get me demoted. After this actually happened (24 hours ago nearly) you decide to message me a reply when I confronted you at that time about your in put just now - You did nothing but act like you know nothing, hence "acting thick", people like yourself should really take a second look at yourself.

    I already told u I was sent the link on Skype , not knowing it was faked , u proceed to msg me today provoking me. I didn't reply to your paragraph yday nor did I plan to. The situation was handled . As for acting thick, I told you what I knew and I didn't know but I guess that is too much to handle. If I wanted to play dumb and know nothing I would do so.

  5. Over 80m. OSBot gives the worst price checks its unbelievable.

    A near maxed obby mauler I think was going for 80m on another thread. No way this is close to 80m. 71 str can be afkd at crabs. Halo is worth 20m, Maybe that bumps up the price, but not to 80m. Like 50-60m


    and he was obviously scamming, no-one would sell a maxed obby for 80m, thats too many hours afking to count.


    55 slayer > adds value

    50 range / mage > adds value since at 75 str it becomes melee based, leaving you options to imbue the a ring / firecape.


    but you wouldnt know these things being the general population of osbot.

    • Like 2
  6. fba77c61db3cc3d50f4ea6a6d0be66be.png


    house with altar + portals/glory

    full zammy book

    can get mith gloves in like 3 hours if i really wanted to

    all level 1 diaries done that pures can do

    zammy halo + 40 cwars tickets.

    slayer staff = best 1 att weapon for obbies

  7. Could anyone tell me what skill/s (non cb) could rasie the worth of the account? Ive got enough ppots to afk 90 Strength. So this account will definatley have that before its sold.

    55 slayer would raise the price since the leaf blade sword is best sub 60 att weapon.

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