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Posts posted by risky

  1. Well I want halo and castle wars robes it's like 450-500 tix for what I want I have 42.... I can never find a boosting cc any more does anyone know of one or even a boosting to chan? I'll give u cookies if u know one btw

    • Like 1
  2. So I was wondering if there is any good pures that you can boss with and also pk. Thanks in advance ~ Resolved


    Idk if this is the right section so sorry if its in the wrong section :/


    when i used to have a near maxed 60 attack pure it can do zulrah decently. not as well as a maxed main obviously but it got the job done.

    • Like 2
  3. I apologize R1sky, i have really bad college hours, from 2pm - 9pm. Travel time is 2hrs to and from my house. By the time I get home, Im burnt out and not thinking properly. I recently received and updated my Java to Runtime 51 and RS refused to load. Know that i had no intention of any shady behaviour. I will be back at approx. 11pm. I will keep in contact with you on Skype whenever possible.


    I wasn't expecting you were doing any shady behavior, i simply made this dispute to claim the money I earned for my services regardless of who held it the payment. I think you have the right intention wanting to pay the deposit/rune cost but dodging out on paying the workers for their work is what is shady, seeing as Captain America was technically your "worker" regardless if he held a partner position or not.

  4. also a current problem with the script is that it cannot stun/alch without mud staff. I am currently using goblin staff for -65 mage bonus to splash and have all required runes however it spam clicks stun and doesn't cast on the bear.

  5. Disputed member: @legacycm

    Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/77121-70-feedbackvip-legacycms-aio-account-creation-services/

    Explanation: I was a worker for legacy's services and was assigned to assist with a job creating 68 magic accounts. The average cost in runes per account was around 1.5m and I made 2 accounts. The price per account we ( the workers ) were going to receive was 7m ( 5.1m if you used a bond ) no-one used a bond on their accounts. We supplied all the runes to train these accounts and the reason I am disputing this is because a service owner should be responsible for their other "workers" i.e. @Captain America . Legacy allowed Captain to accept the order of 10x 68 magic accounts and captain held payment until they were done. When I got to around 65 / 66 magic I found out that Captain america was banned and most likely scam quit. The service owner should be responsible for a worker if he/she accepts payments and then scam quits while holding that payment.


    After doing my training I was reluctant to hand over the accounts because I knew i wasn't going to get any pay for it, as seen here : b529466f3ec7c1be83c8bafc6043e91e.png



    The reason i am opening this dispute is because I want to leave legacy's service and as stated in his rules any worker can leave and get their deposit back. He has been dodging giving me the deposit back / paying for runes I used / paying me for the work i've done. The total amount comes to 22m ( 5m deposit , 3m runes, 7m per account x2.)


    I don't want to leave his service on bad terms like this but after the fallout from Captain America settled in on the services, there has been no business and no attempt at any repaying of what we lost.





    spreadsheet including all accounts done by any worker: link hidden by staff













    • Like 4
  6. Disputed Member:[member=username] @Greengo
    Why it should be removed: one is duplicate. he did my service and accidently left 2 fb
    Details: none, trade went smooth just a glitch in the system.
    Link to topic: too old to find but he did the service a+ just a slight glitch.

  7. alrtight ill work on 55 slayer and 50 range and the same time.   keep strength at 60 tho ? and does it matter what pray lvl aslong as its between 15-30 ?


    don't really listen to the 2nd half what she said, 


    get 55 slayer using mage and range on the hard task. maul all the other ones. you don't want to do prayer until your 90+ str.


    if you go over 50 mage/range it is fine but you will have to strength train to be non-mage/range based.

    • Like 2
  8. imo u should take a break for a couple of days to see what the bans are like with weath back....maybe do like 5 random quests and get 60 str by hand and buy obby maul..or u can no life cwars for halo lol thatd be cool

    I boosted halo on my real obby with slayer staff which hasn't been botted and it was a bitch, granted that was 15 hours vs the 50 legit ones.

  9. Thre are tons of people who stake at those combat levels but there are a few flaws I see. If you PC str levels you lose hp which is key at that level, with that being said you didn't mention range training which also boost hp which is great for pure staking.

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