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  1. Hi guys, sorry if this is in the wrong section! I've been using my proxy from ProxyFish for the last 3 weeks and it's been working flawlessly, however in the last 3 days i can't use it, although it is still active. After i select which account on OSBot, it gets stuck on "Grabbing Runescape Parameters" and then says "SOCKS Proxy Configuration Error". I have not changed my proxy settings, and i have tried re entering them numerous times with no avail. I've asked the support on the ProxyFish website but there 24/7 live support seems to not be working as i've been waiting 3 days on a reply. I was wondering if this was definitely the fault of the proxy/provider or maybe something OSBot based, and if there's any ideas as to what i can do! Thanks in advance guys
  2. hey man any chance i could get a trial? i liked the post
  3. Thanks guys yeah i was able to get it sorted @whipz using that exact thing, mixing some trial and error and the info from you guys thanks
  4. well when im using eclipse i just stop the script, then export over it and then just reload scripts and it works, im assuming it would have been the same in IntelliJ?
  5. @Viston well the problem is that im not actually getting hit, its the wizards tower lesser demon on f2p. I've gotten this issue sorted but i can't get it to stop attacking, its on a constant loop of attacking, then moving mouse outside the screen, then coming back in and attacking again. any ideas? code is there something i could do with the return, like somehow make it return if my player has stopped animating? or could it be on the if part, if i could make it say if lesserdemon is not under attack then to interact and attack? im just not exactly sure how to code this part in. import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep; @ScriptManifest(author = "08egans", info = "Kills ", logo = "", name = "", version = 0) public class main extends Script { public void onStart(){ log("Welcome to my script!"); } public void onExit(){ log("Thank you for using my script, goodbye!"); } public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException{ NPC lesserdemon = getNpcs().closest("Lesser demon"); if(lesserdemon !=null && !myPlayer().isAnimating()){ lesserdemon.interact("Attack"); } if(myPlayer().isAnimating()){ mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); } return 500; } } thank you
  6. Hi guys, sorry if this is a stupid question with a simple explanation im very new to teaching myself java and scripting! im having a bit of trouble with this and i couldnt find anything on the forums about it. Basically i'm making a script, and when im in combat i want the mouse to move outside of the screen, but i cant figure out exactly how to code it in. I have it written where the code should be going in! import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse; @ScriptManifest(author = "08egans", info = "Kills ", logo = "", name = "Demon Slayer", version = 0) public class main extends Script { public void onStart(){ log("Welcome to my script!"); } public void onExit(){ log("Thank you for using my script, goodbye!"); } public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException{ NPC lesserdemon = getNpcs().closest("Lesser demon"); if(lesserdemon !=null && !myPlayer().isAnimating()){ lesserdemon.interact("Attack"); } if(myPlayer().isAnimating()){ // here is where i need help } return random(750,300); } } Thanks for your help guys!
  7. hi there! i've been teaching myself scripting and java for the last week and a half and i'd really appreciate it to see some of the coding for some things!
  8. thanks for the replies guys! I was originally going to do state coding but it seemed a bit advanced for my level ive only been trying to teach my self Java for a few days now. Thanks for the idea for tracking the xp gains, wouldn't have thought of that i'll try it now!
  9. hi ive been trying to work on my first script, which just checks for logs on the ground and lights them. however the problem is that when the script starts to light a fire and the animation comes on, the loop keeps repeating itself over and over without stopping so it keeps lighting the same log over and over before it has time to even light. i know there is something to do with player animations but im new to java so im a bit stuck. (dont mind the sleep times) source - package org.Hello.Sebby; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import java.awt.*; @ScriptManifest(name = "Skeleton", logo ="", info ="Script Info", version = 0.1, author ="08egans") public class skeleton extends Script{ public void onStart(){ log("Our Script has started"); } public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { GroundItem item = getGroundItems().closest("Logs"); if(!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { item.interact("Light"); sleep(random(2000, 3000)); } return random(2000, 1800); } public void onExit(){ log("Script has stopped"); } public void onPaint(Graphics g){ } public void onMessage(String s){ log("on Message: " + s); } }
  10. thank you i feel like an idiot now haha!
  11. hi there it seems to be stuck on rock selector, theres no option to add rocks just remove and clear? cant click on them to add them
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