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Everything posted by DylanLol

  1. Could I get a trial please? All the agility scripts i've used before have been garbage, even the paid ones. This seems to have good reviews though.
  2. DylanLol

    Fruity NMZ

    99 str 99 attk 96 range That's so far. So, it's well worth it.. One of the best scripts i've ever used tbh
  3. DylanLol

    Fruity NMZ

    Bought it as soon as I got it out of my run and saw it vanish from my list XD
  4. With scales as high as they are its almost the same gp per xp tbh. NMZ blowpipe= AFK/ bottable Chins= best xp
  5. DylanLol

    Fruity NMZ

    Oops read that wrong lul
  6. DylanLol

    Fruity NMZ

    Yeah Idk anything about making scripts honestly man, i'm just trying to give you good feedback. Even with special attacks not working it's still better than the paid nmz script on this site. It just spams special attack endlessly for me though even after power surge ends. I just don't bring g maul and enable special attacks for now until it's fixed.
  7. DylanLol

    Fruity NMZ

    No, this is with it still at the same level as what I set it to in the GUI.
  8. Fuck. I just closed OSBOT to try and install windows 10 and now it forces me to update and this happens. Was working fine on 2.3.90.. Dunno why it forces you to update..
  9. DylanLol

    Fruity NMZ

    Amazing script. One issue i've noticed is when I enable special attack and use gmaul, it doesn't equip my dharok's axe after power surge is over. It's sad because with power surge I get like 130k an hour or like 115k without
  10. Since the usual thursday update
  11. Gets stuck at the host name and doesn't enter it/ click it even if they were the last host.. This is on mirror client.
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