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Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. could i get a trial for this please?
  2. Could I get a trial, please?
  3. love your scripts! Just a heads up, when doing monastery/castle wars tele it gets stuck withdrawing a new ring of dueling. doesnt bank the ore and just continuously hits the ring in the bank.
  4. could i get a trial for this please?
  5. What do you want? TorsoDo you agree with the price? YesDo you agree with the tos? Yes
  6. Could I please get a trial for this?
  7. Really interested in this script, could i please grab a trial first?
  8. Hi Czar, A long time ago I received this script as a gift for leaving feedback in the store. I took a break from botting but I am now back and unfortunately the script is gone. I'm just kind of confused, could you please let me know what happened? Thanks! https://gyazo.com/003b1676ce143263057dd54fa2e11961
  9. 76cb Stats: https://gyazo.com/aed772744150af1f00b1f1a8fae35207 Quests: https://gyazo.com/47548d0e63dd541e8783220018c62d0b Status: https://gyazo.com/5f2067bc60d85988290eee66a170592e Account has mith gloves, fire cape, avas, & zammy book
  10. Could I get a trial for this please?
  11. Vouch for this guy! Completed the quest extremely fast. Nice guy and easy to work with. A+
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