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  1. bimbo

    Fruity NMZ

    script doesnt seem to be working for me it just sits still att the dream guy asking for dream edit: works now
  2. Ima use mirror mode, going for 40-99 range. I'll try to post as many lvls as I can. Last time i used this script was half year ago and i gotten 35-90 range doing 11h a day.
  3. hey its been a while since I used this script. What do you mean by bot to much? How many hours a day do you recommend? thanks
  4. i dont understand i thought mirror mode was the way to go ?
  5. can you tell me which spots i should avoid never done this before xD.
  6. is the ban rate high on stun/alching or only stunning thanks.
  7. I hate to keep saying it, but the script still not working for me. Zoom is on default and mouse on right-click. Please help.
  8. still not working for move can you show me screenshot how my settings should be?
  9. script not working just shaking the screen left to right.
  10. script stopped twice during the night at barb fishing. Script saying its out of feathers/bait but im not.
  11. so mousekeys using unique clicks right xD. thanks
  12. just bought this script today. What settings do you recommend me on barb fishing?
  13. what are the requirements of barb fishing?
  14. lol you guys making me scared
  15. if you dont get a ban 5-10 days after you stopped you're pretty much safe.
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