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  1. Not getting caught. 0 bans so far in 2020, running some of the best money making methods. Just bot smart
  2. It's just the OSBot webwalker tripping out and thinking it needs to be open in order for the path to be completed. When it generated the path, there was likely a path coordinate inside of the fenced area. When the walker attempts to complete the path, in order to get to that coordinate, it opens the gate. The devs are constantly updating the webwalker and most cases of what you are experiencing are solved but it still happens every so often. Edit: I doubt opening a single gate would trigger a ban. If it was spam opening and closing the gate for 2+ hours you'd get a ban from it but most stand alone events decrease ban chances in my opinion.
  3. you'll never get banned if you limit script run times to about an hour each, bank manually and use mirror mode. i bot my main (2k+ total) non-stop while I'm at my computer with the above recommendations. stealth is agruably only for gold farming. mirror is for gains. good luck
  4. Was free advertising. I've had 2 people contact me about private scripts, 1 about buying an account and 1 is just asking random questions. Edit: now the random question guy wants to buy scripts too
  5. i'm botting kurasks on 7 accounts with 0 bans. i sell the accounts once they max melee. bank manually and never get banned. full invent of sharks lasts about an hour and a half on 90+ defence. prior to this i bot 70 slayer, agility, quests and their requirements non-stop catching maybe a single ban per 10 accounts if i'm unlucky. i also bot nearly every other skill on the account for a pseudo antiban and easier selling when it comes time. i normally only bot the accounts when i am at my computer and i don't bot the same activity for more than 2 hours regardless of breaks. if i ran a script 4 times in a row for 30 minutes with breaks in between on the same activity i won't use that script again until i've done another activity for at least an hour. (breaks do nothing though) tl;dr; i normally just run scripts for 1.5 hours before switching to a new task. combine that with manual banking and you should never get banned. ps. all 7 accounts are running in mirror mode on the same res ip and i write all my own scripts. (SuperSlayer "Coming SoonTM") kurask value per kill: 4,773 gp hitpoint xp/h with 90's: 23,000 xp damage/h: 17692 damage kurask health: 97 gp/h: (17,692/97)*4,773= 870,555 per account 870,555 * 7 accounts = ~6m hourly while i play other games
  6. java.lang.RuntimeException: Union object is null or owned by someone else at client.nat.stream.Stream.m22 This used to be the old error. Looks like there is a new one. I run into it every now and again. Not 100% sure how to reproduce it. It happens quite often on my Giant Mole bots. The bot tries to click on the Giant Mole before it walks off the screen but fails and then my cpu usage climbs and the client freezes up. 9 times outa 10 the script would normally just rebound on it's own and walk to the mole but that 1 time outa 10 it just freezes up completely to the point that the client either logs out and the script stops on it's own or I have to end the process manually. I know MGI has tried in the past to resolve these types of bugs but I think they are difficult ones to solve.
  7. Trading gold between accounts on the same IP will yield 0 bans. Trading modest amounts of gold between accounts with different IP will yield 0 bans. Trading large amounts of gold (something that would be bigger than a split from raids for example) could warrent further investigation by jagex. TL;DR Jagex doesn't have time to check every 50m trade that is happening. They are going to zone in on the big trades. Just accept the gold from the gold seller on your main or an alt that wasn't just created. This shouldn't be a hard concept to grasp..
  8. And if you haven't put 2 and 2 together, botwatch is basically a batch/online learning system that runs in the background while we play. Batch and online learning would only be able to detect the bots that it has been trained to detect. This is why people don't give out niche money making methods. Their method basically goes undetected until the system is trained to detect it. So with that said, botwatch would be dependant on constant updates. A semi-supervised k-means clustering system would detect the most bots and it would be able to flag niche methods for review/labeling but it is something that is most likely outside of jagex's capabilities and interests.
  9. The notion that Jagex knows how to properly use machine learning made me laugh If Jagex knew what it was capable of they could eliminate most bots by just using the data submitted to high scores alone. Anyways, there is this thing that most people know about called "Botwatch." It was created with the help of Jacmob when Jagex recuited him to the dark side. Jacmob previously ran one of the most successful botting clients pre-eoc. Botwatch profiles accounts and analyses the data collected to determine account legitimacy. Botwatch was implimented into OSRS but there is no way of telling how well it works or if it works at all. Before Botwatch even comes into play, lot of accounts are most likely flagged for things listed on slides 14 & 15 of the below link https://www.blackhat.com/docs/eu-14/materials/eu-14-StJohn-Next-Level-Cheating-And-Leveling-Up-Mitigations.pdf Sources: https://rsplayers.fandom.com/wiki/Mod_Jacmob https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/Botwatch https://secure.runescape.com/m=forum/sl=0/forums?380,381,77,65448272 - lol mod reach
  10. You've sparked my interest with the mouse movement changes. I plan on testing a few scripts I wrote for what I consider high ban activities (agility, abyss, chins, master farmer). If the premliminary testing goes well I'll upgrade one of them into a gold farm to test things even further. Personally I don't think mouse movements will make much difference for gold farming activities but the changes might make botting on a main using mirror mode much safer. From my own experiences, banking is what yields the most bans followed by time botted. I doubt it will matter what your mouse clicks are like if you're not missing clicks or experience. It also doesn't help if you click the same spots over and over. Trihard already did similar things and it did beat the detection systems for a bit but their scripts yield just as many bans as ours do regardless of how the mouse is moving or interacting. I appreciate your efforts though
  11. yeah it should, i was planning on uploading an updated version
  12. This, but... if you really want to speculate. Some think that detection relies on interactions being recorded, hashed, and sent to the game servers for analysis. Say it took ~1000 requests to be processed in order to recreate bot analysis data previously collected. That would mean that if you banked manually or reset NMZ dreams yourself, it would in a way reset the data being sent to Jagex.
  13. Super


    Welcome! Congrats on graduating! Come join us in the chatbox if you're lookin to interact more
  14. Welcome back! Harder to bot now but you can still do it productively if you're smart
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