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  1. Script name AIO Runecrafter - Trial length 2 days? - Reason for trial I've already asked for a trail in the runecrafter topic but wasn't able to try any botting this weekend is it possible to activate it again? Really interested in buying this scrip but want to test out how it acts. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? I will. Babysit my botting most of the times so will notice when there something doesn't run as I wish Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi Khal, can I get a trail please?
  3. Somehow it doesn't start pick pocketing knights. No idea what the problem is. Just runs a little south in Ardy and stands there. EDIT: opened the logger and found out that it couldn't handle my full inventory (Coins and 27 food). Had to start it with an empty inventory.
  4. That's unfortunate. Does it pick up the scepter when inventory is full tho?
  5. Just bought the script. Wasn't able to use the trail.. Is there a way to prioritize loot? Dropping pottery to take gold.
  6. Hi Eagle, can get the trail to see how it runs?
  7. Can I get the trail please?
  8. Is it possible for you to adjust it so I can use it to make anchovies pizzas?
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