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Trade With Caution
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About taraz

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  1. Buy an Domain and volla u get all ur emails to one Mail ?
  2. Bot with the same ip that u did Creat the Account on. Simpel. Ofc you gonna get Locked and if you do the account isnt banned. u can unlock it take like 5 Min. thats the Bypass :=)
  3. is this the abuse i was talking about in the chat? Abuseing Friend Recruit? if so it is bann able you will get banned on all your accounts for Bugg abuseing ?
  4. Hello! i can make this in 16-20H i got one with 44 atk 47 str 43 def 45 hp 59 Mining 44 RuneCrafing got also! 1- Rune Mysteries 2- Abyss Mini quest
  5. one free script then u will have one :P
  6. 40 Atk 86 str 40 def i can make it higher if u want :P i can make it to 70 atk and 70 def without a problem
  7. Yeah You would be Fine. You will get banned in 24H.. You dont need proxy's if you dont care about the accounts :P if u have na Automatic farm that dosent get u locked or banned after tut island then you would be fine :P
  8. Start a new account and stop Cry about it. very simpel.
  9. Hand Tut island accounts Last as long as Botted Once that are Rested :P
  10. Nice joke :P offer me lowest offer is 750k each
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