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  1. Hey Czar, The iteration counter seems to be a bit messed up. Also, it seems that with the newest update yesterday, the script was a bit broken for making unfinished potions. Edit: Also, it would be nice if the script was updated to click "1" instead of moving the cursor over to click make all.
  2. Hey Czar, I've been loving the script and it has been working, for the most part, quite well. However, the Pollnivneach and Relleka courses have quite a bit of inefficiency. They seem quite slow when restarting the course. Really, clicking on the minimap should be prioritized over moving the camera angle. It takes a few seconds to change the camera angle because I think it is changing the camera angle each time, which takes a while. I'm only getting around 40k xp/hr on the Relleka course, when the max is about 54k/hr
  3. Hey Czar, It's probably because of the most recent update, but currently this script does not work. It doesn't withdraw herbs to clean. If you do it manually, they will be cleaned, but the script goes back and forth between the bank and the combat tab. I'm in fixed screen mode and not using mirrored client. Thanks! -Kami *edit* The script works perfectly again!
  4. A really cool feature for this script would to be able to chain together agility spots. For instance: Start in gnome agility course, then use glory to draynor, then varrock tele tab to varrock course, and if priest in peril is done, then walk to canifis to do that course. I don't think it would be very difficult to code this considering you have each course scripted individually. You'd just need some code to fill in the gaps. Example: GUI: Agility course: Move to new agility course every 10 levels? -if yes, then check agility course in your order and continue the stringing from there. (would need warning that priest in peril needs to be done) This would make new accounts so easy to build up without babysitting. Keep up the great work Czar!
  5. I love this script, though I do wish there were task systems that can bring you from grimy herbs all the way to finished potions or stop at any task along the way. Eg. Grimy herbs -> cleaned herbs -> Unfinished potion -> finished potion Also, there is a new amulet called "amulet of chemistry" which gives a chance of making 4 dose potions. Just thought I'd mention it in case you'd like to incorporate it somehow.
  6. Hi Czar, I've been testing the script a lot and the updates have been great! I have a few notes that could make this script a lot better. -Upstairs is risky if you don't have a perfect script. People get so mad if you mine the same strip of veins and furious if you mine the same ore vein. It would be amazing if we could choose our own veins or choose our own strips of veins that the bot will only mine at, even if it does cost some xp efficiency. This would prevent the bot from bouncing around, pissing off higher players, and reduce the chance of a ban. And going random upstairs is not a good option either as this will still piss people off. -I know someone has mentioned this, but clicking veins on the other side of the wall makes it look very botty. -When I choose a section on the upper floor and it often starts mining the veins that aren't behind rockfalls. From what I can see, if there is a rockfall it ignores the section selection and goes on in the script for finding the closest ore and mining it. It would be great if it prioritized checking if the player is in the area designated and if the player is not it should break the rockfall, move, and check again. If in the area, then mine designated veins. -When I have 81 ore mode on and choose a section on the top section from the map it has trouble with the ladder and goes up and down in a loop. I have tried the second upper floor option and it doesn't seem to change anything with this problem. -A "Deposit gems mode" would be fantastic. Where if you have gems in your inv && you have deposited paydirt into hopper, then go to bank and deposit all except hammer. -The dragon pickaxe special needs to have a condition set where the player must be mining in order to use the special. Using the special while away from the ore veins is both a waste of xp and money, and it looks very botty. I hope this is helpful!
  7. Fantastic script. I've been really enjoying it. There are just a few notes that I have that I'd like to bring to your attention: When I have all the southern tunnels chosen and the script is pathing to the south-western section it detects the veins that do not require the rockfalls to be broken even when I do not have this section chosen. Also, it seems to break rockfalls on the south-eastern path but then get confused; it seems to miss the vein sometimes then run back to a path in the main area a couple of times. It isn't too big of a deal, but it certainly looks bot-y. Also, I know you're adding some features soon (I read in the thread), but I have a short wishlist for this script: 1) Pick up hammer from box when fixing struts so we don't have to carry around a hammer. 2) Choose one or two struts to fix, or make this random. This breaks up the pattern a little. Also, the script shouldn't fix struts if the paydirt is being cleaned already. 3) Collect ore every other time you deposit paydirt. I.e. Deposit paydirt -> go mine -> Deposit paydirt -> collect twice -> repeat 4) Always have ore being cleaned. I.e. Deposit paydirt -> go mine while it is cleaned -> deposit paydirt -> collect once -> repeat I realize the 3rd and 4th on the list can be complicated, but this is imperative for going for a high mining level. Nobody who mines in the upper levels collects ores every time they drop off paydirt, and if they do it's because they have ore already cleaned. It would be awesome if you just had a counter for the number of times you deposited paydirt, then make sure there is always one "load" pending and ready to be collected. For instance: deposit paydirt = 1 pending, then mine, and if nothing shows up in the sack you know nobody fixed the struts while you were gone and in order to deposit the load you must drop one paydirt, get a hammer, and fix it. Then you can deposit the paydirt and collect one load of ore and put it in the bank. Just some ideas. I hope this helps some. I'm loving your scripts Let me know if you would like some clarification, as this might be convoluted.
  8. If you added this option, would it be possible to just have the script start with fixing the struts? This would fix the problem because the hopper can only have 1 "load" at a time. This "load" is any amount deposited, and can't have more deposited until the paydirt is cleaned. The sack can hold three 28-paydirt loads. If the script can detect if ore is present in the sack, then script will prevent problems as soon as the struts are fix, as it already empties the sack fully. Also, a timer could be used to check if the paydirt can be deposited into the hopper/if the hopper and sack are full. If too much time passes, then simply dropping the paydirt, fixing the struts, depositing the ores in bank, and (possibly) retrieving the paydirt is the best option, as this is what I would do if I were mining. It might be too complicated, but this is pretty important for those going for a high mining level. Nobody mining in the upper levels retrieves the ores every time they deposit paydirt. If they do, it's because they already had paydirt deposited and it was cleaned while they were mining. Just some ideas that I hope are helpful! I love your scripts, keep up the great work
  9. Hey Khaleesi, The script is better than ever! I just wanted to ask about the possibility of adding multiple loads to the hopper. When I am baby sitting my bot those who are clearly not bots do multiple loads in the hopper, especially if the wheels are broken. If there were a way to skip picking up ores from the sack when the wheels were broken then we would get better xp rates and, more importantly, seem far less obvious. I'm not sure how hard this would be to code, but it would just need to count the number of times we deposited paydirt into the hopper. For instance: If number of deposits = "1" then it should check if the wheels are broken. ->If "yes" then return to mining. ->If "no" then collect ores. If number of deposits = "2" then check if the wheels are broken. ->If "yes" then obtain hammer and fix. ->If "no" then collect ores. Also, if we had the option to repair 1 or 2 of the wheels that would be helpful too. It would be helpful to other players if we fixed both and it would add more variety to the bot, making it less obvious. Thanks!
  10. Hey Khaleesi, Is there any chance you could add repairs to the script? This would include chopping the wood, and going to different barriers or gates to repair them. I suggest this because it would be extremely useful for pures. Thanks
  11. Made a new account and have been using it for more than 2 hours now. It is working wonderfully. The camera angle thing was something that bothered me in the past, and with avoiding players who are already mining a vein and having the proper angle on the ores it gets stuck less and looks less suspicious. This script just keeps getting better and better! Great job!!
  12. Hey I don't mean to bombard you, but, after the update osbot's update today there is now a bug on the upper floor. No matter what the settings I have on, when the bot goes northwest it clicks on a vein that is on the bottom floor (right next to the rockfall) and gets stuck. Thanks!
  13. Oh! Ok, if changing it to closest would do that, then there is no point. I think I misunderstood what the changes would do. I think I was thinking it would avoid the vein people were on, find a different path and mine the rockfall if it was necessary, but if this isn't the case then it would probably be best to not change it. I think the more important change would be avoiding veins that people are mining already. This would avoid people getting angry/suspicious. Yes Zume it does, and it works better than any other bot I've seen in motherlode. I highly recommend it.
  14. That would probably be very helpful in making the script seem more legit, as opposed to mining the same paydirt as other players. I agree with Swhit, closest seems more legit. If it prioritizes the closest it may randomize the path a little more and break through the rockfalls on the upper floor to go farther in the tunnels or to use the north eastern tunnel. This combined with avoiding veins people are next to would probably make the bot seem far less suspicious. For me, it mines the ores, places them in the bin, pauses, then goes to mine more. This happens pretty rarely for me. Thanks Khaleesi, you're the best
  15. Thanks Khal for the update, for the most part it seems to be doing a good job. But as Swhit mentioned there are a few things that could make this script perfect. I agree that this is an issue on the upper floor. People get very angry if you start mining in the same tunnel as them. If there was a way to for the bot to tell which direction to avoid or even have it set up so we can choose certain paths or choose which ores to mine, then this could be avoided. Currently I have to babysit the script pretty hard to avoid people. If you sit there and watch it, it seems like the northwest tunnel is the only path that will be mined more than once in a row due to how the bot looks for paydirt and it prioritizing paydirt over the rockfalls (which works great on the lower floor). If there was a way to mix this up a bit then I may not have to find an empty world each time I mine to avoid making people angry. This happens to me from time to time and it requires me to be there to make it seem less like a bot. It's been happening with and without antiban enabled, with the pickaxe special on and on upper and lower floor. As for the ores filling up the bag, it seems like that happens with me as well. It doesn't happen multiple times in a row, it just seems like it forgets a step, checks to see if the inventory is empty, then decides to get back to mining. Thanks, I appreciate your creative scripts and your dedication to updating them.
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