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Everything posted by Mordred

  1. 10 hp everything 1 but 94 mage
  2. Welcome son, Be sure to not piss off your father, Master @Alek
  3. Mordred


    @Chris Has the new innovated anti-ban software that allows the user to remain unbanned, hes ahead of the times with his script work
  4. Looking for someone who can do custom accounts, quests , skills if needed etc eg Around a 50M deposit because your going to be trusted with all the gear items needed to complete account Will make your deposit back in pretty much one account, You get 90-95% of the payment depending on deposit If anyone is interested my skype is :upotjr
  5. what player is that in your avatar
  6. Something you'll never have, considering your staking luck..
  7. awkward but i got like exact stats u want on an acc o.o but has half ban hm u looking to buy
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