SBot Version: 2.4.147
Mirror Mode?: Yes
Description Of Bug: Bot gets stuck in first room, doesn't do anything, as if the script was pauzed. After a while the timer runs out and the bot get kicks out the pyramid, the script then resumes.
It is quite valuable actually, I guess the biggest problem is the fact that the butler often get stucks between the doors and the player. In this case the bot should open the door first, lure the butler out of the door space and proceed as normal. I believe someone mentioned this problem earlier in the thread aswell.
Can you improve the oak dungeon door mechanism? It perform it highly ineffective atm only yielding 180k xp/h. Can't really explain why, you would have to observe it yourself. I am willing to lend my account.
Using progressive mode, the script is unable to open the house tab to enter construction mode, it just keep clicking the tab next to it (toggle run). When I pause the script and manually open the option house tab the script continues.
When trying to run the bot in mirror mode + attaching it to the Oldschool RS client i get the following error message:an error has occured while loading hooks.
- I got the latest version of the bot.
- I got the latest version of the mirror jar.
- I got the latest version of the RS oldschool client.
Anything else i'm missing? Or is due to a recent RS update?